Cyberbullying Contributed by Sarah Bell All resources in the "Safeguarding Resources" section of our resource bank have been submitted by delegates on our Level 2 Safeguarding Online courses. For more information about this practical, self-paced course, please visit and PSHE lesson for the Juniors in cyber bullying/e-safety.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES To understand what is cyber- bullying and how it affects others.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I will be able to explain what cyber- bullying is. I will know what to do if I am being cyber-bullied.
ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN YOUR HEAD Ever written an in haste, saying something you regret to someone else? Ever tagged someone in a photo to be mean? E.g. Tagging a picture of a cow as someone you didn’t like? Ever put something as your status that was taking the mickey out of someone or being unkind? Ever said something back to someone else due to some texts being sent either to you or others. Ever heard about a group on Facebook about someone e.g. “The I Hate... Group” Ever uploaded a picture that someone would DIE of embarrassment if they saw it Tweeted about matters that somewhat trusted you with ?
WHAT IS CYBER-BULLYING? The use of phones or the internet to deliberately upset someone else.
WHY IS CYBER-BULLYING DIFFERENT TO BULLYING? – No getting away from it. It is very fast. – It can get you wherever you are e.g. through your mobile phone – Easy – people can be anonymous – No one else can easily see the bullying happening.
WHAT CAN YOU DO IF YOU ARE BEING CYBER-BULLIED? Don’t replyChange your contact details Keep a copy of all messages (with date and time) Block people you don’t want to talk to Tell someone – a teacher/ tutor / parent/ pastoral member of staff. See the Independent Listener or our Councilor if you need to “sort it out” by talking it over in private.
CYBER-BULLY HERO Design your own superhero on the sheet. The superhero is to be able to battle any case of cyber-bullying and should be able to give advice to anyone in need. What would this hero look like? What qualities would this hero have ?
WHAT IS CYBER BULLYING? TRUE OR FALSE……… Cyber bullying is when you are picked on because of your size.
THE TRUTH IS…. Cyber bullying is the use of mobile phones and the internet to upset or hurt someone else
Cyber Bullying is Illegal….
THE TRUTH IS…. Cyber Bullying can break laws, SO WATCH OUT! The police may get involved if it is really bad and threatening.
Social networking sites let you report abuse any time it happens?
Cyber bullying ONLY happens on mobile phones
THE TRUTH IS…. IT CAN HAPPEN On mobile phones By On social networking sites On YouTube On MSN messenger And more… So be careful…..
You should not do anything if you are being cyber bullied….
You MUST tell an adult like your tutor, teacher, your Mum or Dad or another adult that you trust…. STOPSTOP TART ELLING THER EOPLE
You should NEVER reply to a cyber bully if they send you a message
THE TRUTH IS…. JUST print or save the message so you can show it to someone
Passing on cyber bullying messages is OK because you didn’t write it yourself
YOU ARE JUST AS BAD IF YOU SEND ON THE MESSAGE Don’t forward it Don’t laugh at it Don’t be part of it DELETE CYBERBULLYING
Being a good “netizen” (Citizen of the Net) Checklist for Cyber communications: Before sending that or posting on that Web site or bulletin board, think before you click “send.” very very It’s so easy for anyone to misunderstand s and cyber communications. We have to be very very careful to make them clear and help others to understand what we really mean. We also need to be careful not to hurt others and be good netizens.
Shall I send this / message ? Is it worth sending ? Is it just passing on rumour and gossip? Would you want your Parents Granny/ Big Brother to read it out ? Don’t attack others online, say anything that could be considered insulting. Everything you write on the Internet lasts forever. You could really regret things sent in anger.
Showing some respect Don’t forward other people’s s without their permission or share their personal information. Other people can find that information out about you so easily and therefore it is no longer private at all.