St. Catherine. c
Tempi Madonna
Madonna with the Baldachino
The School of Athens. 1509
Parnasus. c
Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Lady with a Unicorn
Adam and Eve (ceiling panel)
Apollo and Marsyas (ceiling panel)
The Judgment of Solomon (ceiling panel)
Prime Mover (Astronomy) (ceiling panel)
Philosophy (ceiling tondo)
Diotalevi Madonna. c.1503.
Madonna with the Christ Child Blessing and St. Jerome and St. Francis (Von der Ropp Madonna). c.1502
Terranuova Madonna. c.1505.
Colonna Madonna. c.1508.
The Small Cowper Madonna. c.1505
The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Holy Family (The Virgin with the Beardless Joseph)
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