Successful House-hunting
Don’t Panic There are plenty of houses Most people find suitable accommodation Take your time don’t get rushed into something you later regret
Planning is Vital Who with and how many? Where? Type of Accommodation? How much can I afford?
Larger Properties are more Expensive Our research indicates that larger properties work out more expensive per person than smaller properties E.G: An 8 bedroom property in Leamington Spa costs on average 19% more per person per week than a 4 bedroomed property Some larger properties are expensive and not of a good standard and represent very poor value for money
Warwick Accommodation or Private? Standards and Quality Large Groups Location Deposits and Insurance Try Warwick Accommodation First
Joint Tenancies Most private contracts are for joint tenancies, with everyone having joint and several liability for the rent. If someone leaves the house before the contract ends, all of the tenants can be held responsible for the missing portion of the rent, but everyone has the right to recover the missing rent from the person who leaves
Can You Give Notice? Is it possible to give notice and leave the property early? Most contracts do not allow this, but you may be able to assign the contract ie find someone to take your place
How much will it cost? Agents fees and set up costs Deposits Rent Water Charges
Deposits Tenancy Deposit Scheme Prescribed Information If renting privately make sure your deposit is properly protected in an authorised scheme
Guarantors Some agents and landlords ask your parents to act as your guarantor in case you don’t pay! Try to avoid this - it is a bad idea and parents could end up being responsible for not just their son/daughter’s rent and other liabilities, but everyone else too!
Inspecting the House Make a thorough inspection of any place you intend to rent Use the Advice Centre Check List Don’t sign a contract for a place you have not seen
Very Disappointed Our research shows that 50% of students are disappointed with the quality and condition of their accommodation when they move in
Security Door locks Window locks Burglar alarms Security lights
Gas & Fire Safety Are there gas appliances? Eg Fires, boilers, water heaters There must be a gas safety certificate for the property if there are any gas appliances Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors?
Gas & Electricity Read gas & electricity meters the day you move in Give the utility companies your reading and arrange to take over the supply Try to have everyone’s name on the bill – then everyone is responsible for it!
Using an Inventory Make sure any inventory is up to date and accurate Make a note of the condition of any item that is damaged or in poor condition Use the inventory when you move out to show nothing is damaged or missing TOP TIP: take photographs when you move in
TV Licence If you have a TV or watch live TV you must have a licence £ for a colour licence Every year some students are prosecuted for not having a licence
Insurance Private landlords have insurance for the building but your possessions are unlikely to be covered Warwick Accommodation provide you with some insurance as part of their standard contract
Council Tax If all the occupants of your house are full-time students -There is no Council Tax to pay Council Tax problems? – Get advice straight away
Contracts The SU Advice Centre will give you free independent advice on your contract Always read the contract and understand it yourself Get advice about anything you don’t understand before signing
SU Advice Centre We are an experienced team who can give you advice on: House-hunting Housing Problems All aspects of University Life Anything else you can think of!
SU Advice Centre How to contact SU Advice Team: In Person: SUHQ building Tel: (internal Tel: 72824) Web Site: