Exercise: Is It Right For You? A commercial spot aimed at countering the mind-numbing barrage of prescription drug ads that encourage the viewing audience to ask their doctor if the promoted drug is ‘right for you.’ Ideally, the ad would mimic—as closely as possible—the look and tone of prescription drug ads. © JEROME A. MEREDITH, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Guy Eating a Donut “I didn’t know.”
Woman Smoking “I didn’t know.”
Guy With Packed Shopping Cart “I didn’t know.”
Couple Struggling Up Steps “We didn’t know.”
Kids Playing a Video Game/TV Kid 1: “We didn’t know.” Kid 2: “Should we care?”
Rapid Montage/Slow Mo of High-Profile Endurance Athletes Athlete 1: “I worked for this body. I’m taking care of it. It’s the only one I’ve got. Athlete 2: “Everyone’s got to find their own thing. For me, it’s swimming. I can’t live without it.” Athlete 3: “It’s not about the winning. It’s about the doing.” Athlete 4: “Dude…working out; it’s better than sex. Well, almost. It definitely makes the sex better.” Athlete 5: “Start working out now and you’ll never regret it. Start when you’re 20, or 40, or 60. It doesn’t matter. Just start.” Athlete 6: “Man, it’s a freakin’ equation…calories in, calories out. When it’s balanced, you’re in control. Put better gas in the tank— better food—and you’ll perform even better.
Rapid Montage/Slow Motion Mix of “Regular People” Working Out and Playing Sports Woman: “I’ve lost thirty pounds. And I don’t diet anymore.” Man: “I feel like I did when I was 19. Even better.” Woman: “It took me awhile, but I gave up smoking. Now, I don’t even miss it. Kid: “Sitting in front of the TV all the time…I think I was brain dead.” Couple in pool: “We work out together. It’s made working out together at night even better. ”
Ask Your Doctor If… Regular exercise A healthy diet And no smoking ARE RIGHT FOR YOU
Possible Side Effects Include… Reduced risk of heart disease and sudden death Feelings of euphoria Elevated self esteem Lower occurrence of lethargy and feelings of hopelessness Reduced stress Feeling younger than your age A likely increase in longevity Lower health-care costs for all of us Reduced dependence on legal and illegal drugs Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
What Your Doctor Might Say Just Do It.