Chapter Five Order. Review Let’s review what we learnt last time together!


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Five Order

Review Let’s review what we learnt last time together!

Learning Objectives 学习目标 By learning this chapter you will be able to: (1) Understand the definition of an order (2) Know the procedures of writing an order letter (3) Know how to reject the order by a letter (4) Understand the obligations of the buyer and seller Learning Objectives 学习目标

Warming-up Questions Q1: How does the buyer usually give an order to the seller? Q2: If faulty goods are delivered, what can the buyer do?

Answers to Questions 1.The buyer usually gives an order to the seller by letter or memorandum, by fax or telegraphic message, or orally at a meeting.The buyer usually gives an order to the seller by letter or memorandum, by fax or telegraphic message, or orally at a meeting. 2. If the faulty goods are delivered, the buyer can demand either a reduction in price, or replacement of the goods, or cancellation of the order. He may also be able to file a claim for the losses he sustained.

New Words and Expressions purchase: n/v. 购买 in this matter 在这件事 lotus n. 荷花 bed-sheets 床单 pillow-cases 枕套 the captioned 标题项下的 specified p.p. 指定的 the above-mentioned 上述的 specimen n. 样品、样本 sales confirmation 销售确认书 in duplicate 一式两份 the terms and conditions 条款

New Words and Expressions establish v. 开立 confirmed, irrevocable L/C 保兑的、 不可撤消的信用证 covering (动词 cover 的现在分词)包括 …… 的, 涉及 …… 的,有关 …… 的 amendment n. 修改;修改书 in due time 在适当(或一定)的时候 upon receipt of 收到 …… 后(即 …… ) all cotton shirts 全棉 in case 万一,如果 available a. 可得到的,可利用的 from stock 现货 wash-and-wear 免烫 regarding prep. 关于

An order is a formal request to supply a specified quantity of goods. According to commercial law the buyer’s order is an offer to buy and the arrangement is not legally binding until the supplier has accepted the offer. Brief Introduction

The structure of correspondence about order Writing Skills

The essential qualities of an order are accuracy and clarity. An order letter usually includes the following:

(1) Inform the seller of your order (2) Confirm the specifics (such as item, terms and conditions,etc.) (3) Inform the seller of the arrangement of your order. (4) Urge the seller to deliver goods early.

A reply to the order usually covers the following: A reply to the order usually covers the following:

(2) Add a favourable comment on the goods ordered (3) Include an assurance of prompt and careful attention; (4) Draw attention to other products likely to be of interest; (5) Hope for further orders (1) Express pleasure at receiving the order

If the goods ordered cannot be supplied or delivered immediately, a letter should be written to give an explanation.

(1) Show appreciation of the buyer’s confidence in goods (2) Express regret of inability to be helpful (3) Offer alternatives (4) Wish for further contacts/Express your desire to do business with the buyer (1) Show appreciation of the buyer’s confidence in goods (2) Express regret of inability to be helpful (3) Offer alternatives (4) Wish for further contacts/Express your desire to do business with the buyer

Specimen Letter1 Messrs Williams & Werner 36 Tower Street Toronto 5, Canada China National Imp. & Exp. Corp. Jiangsu Branch 10 Zhongshan Road Baixia District Nanjing, Jiangsu Province China May 21, 2006

Specimen Letter1 Dear Sirs, Your 19th May offer for providing electric coverlet has been approved and we are therefore enclosing our purchase order No for this transaction. We must reiterate that this order has to be delivered on or before July 5 due to commitments we have made to our customers. Thank you for all of your cooperation in this matter. Yours faithfully, (Signature) Lucinda Kent Import Manager

信函 1 (信头略) 敬启者: 接受你方 5 月 19 日对电热毯的报价,为此我们附寄第 2345 号 购买订单。 我们必须重申这个订单需要在 7 月 5 日或之前发货,因为我 们对客户已做承诺。 感谢你方在这方面的所有合作。 您忠诚的, (签名) Lucinda Kent 进口部经理 Reference Translation

Specimen Letter2 Dear Sirs, Order No. 238 for Lotus Brand Bed-sheets and Pillow-cases Thank you for your samples, catalogue, and the pricelist for the captioned goods reaching us on October 16. We found the samples satisfactory and the price acceptable. Enclosed please find our Order No.238 for the goods specified. We look forward to your prompt delivery. Yours faithfully, (Signature) Lucinda Kent

(信头略)敬启者: 第 238 号订单关于荷花牌床单和枕套 我们已于 10 月 16 日收到你方有关上述货物的样品、目录和 价格单。我们认为,样品令人满意且价格可以接受。现附 寄所要货物的第 238 号订单,请查收。 期待你方尽快交货。您忠诚的,(签名) Lucinda Kent Reference Translation

In view of our heavy bookings, we are not in a position to commit ourselves to new orders. 鉴于我们的订货过多,我们不能承担新订单。 In view of our heavy bookings, we are not in a position to commit ourselves to new orders. 鉴于我们的订货过多,我们不能承担新订单。 1 If your price compares favorably with those of other suppliers, we shall send you an order. 如果贵方报价与其他供货商的价格相比确有竞争 力, 我们将向你们订货。 If your price compares favorably with those of other suppliers, we shall send you an order. 如果贵方报价与其他供货商的价格相比确有竞争 力, 我们将向你们订货。 2 Useful Sentences

As for the above offer, it is extremely probable that the prices will rise still more, and it would therefore be in your interest to place your orders without delay. 由上述发盘看,价格极有可能继续 上涨,所以及早订货对贵方有利。 This is a trial order, to which we trust you will give your very best attention. If it is satisfactory, we shall probably be able to see our way to extensive dealings with you. 本次仅为试订,相信贵方 会精心安排。如果我们感到满意,今后我们双方可能会有大宗 的交易。 3 3 We assure you of our best attention to your future orders. 对贵公司日后的订货,我们保证给 予高度重视。

Summary In this chapter, we’ve learned some basic knowledge about the orders and their confirmation. An export order is a formal request to supply a specified quantity of goods. It may result from an offer or an enquiry with subsequent quotations. An order may be given by a letter or order form. The essential qualities of an order are accuracy and clarity. When a binding agree -ment comes into force, both parties are legally bound to honour their agreement.

Homework a.Finish the exercisesFinish the exercises on page … b. Writing practice
