Preventing Head Injuries/ Promoting Helmet Use WHAM
WHAM W hat risks are observed on scene? H ow can we keep from coming back? A ction to take to prevent future injuries M aterials to leave behind
Helmets A properly fit helmet reduces the risk of injury by 85% Most Pierce County residents are required by law to wear a helmet while biking Head injuries cause the majority of bicycle-motor vehicle collision deaths Helmets are not only recommended for cycling, but for skateboarding, scootering, and in-line skating
Your 9 year old patient fell off of his bike in front of your station. He has skinned his knees and needs a band aid. You notice his helmet is too big and may have caused him to crash. What risks are observed on scene?
How can we keep from coming back?
Utilize WHAM folder from rig Ensure a proper fitting bike helmet by making adjustments or providing a new helmet (if available) Do the helmet fit test: Does the helmet fit snug around the head? Is it positioned low on their forehead above the eyebrow? Do the straps form a “v” under the ears? Is the chin strap snug and buckled securely? Action to take to prevent further injuries
If you provide a custom-fit helmet, give out the Mary Bridge “About Your New Helmet” brochure If your department does not provide helmets, or you are out in the field, give out Consumer Product Safety “Which Helmet For Which Activity” brochure with sticker listing where helmets are available. Materials to leave behind
Further info on Helmets Call to order a copy of “How to Fit a Helmet” video Links: Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
WHAM developed by: Central Pierce Fire & Rescue City of DuPont Fire Department Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One Safe Kids Pierce County Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept. With funding from: West Region EMS & Trauma Care Council