January 2012 Spellodrome
Log in Details Use the same login as Mathletics
My Word List Check out My Word List, where you can see the words for your child.
My Word List Click on one of the lists to see all of the words in the set.
Cyclobots Click on any of the words to enter Cyclobot’s Support. Practise them using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check.
Cyclobot’s Revenge Play against members of the Spellodrome community around the world or against Cyclobette herself !
Cyclobot’s Revenge Try to guess the word. It’s your child's turn first. Click on a letter - if they guess correctly they will get another go! Figure out the word first and you’ll get 50 points!
Cyclobot’s Challenge Listen as the word and the sentence are read out. Type or use the keyboard to enter your answer into the box.
Cyclobot’s Challenge Every correct answer will earn your child 10 points towards their millennium helmet
Cyclobot’s Challenge Incorrect answers will be recorded in My Results so that they can practise them later. Be careful though - you only have three lives
Words in Pieces The words in the list have been split in half and scattered around the page. Drag the matching puzzle pieces together to recreate the word
The words are listed on the scroll at the bottom of the page or challenge them to piece together the words without looking. They could score 50 points for putting all of the puzzle pieces together correctly. Words in Pieces
Live Spellodrome Can you spell at Rookie, Master or Championship level? Choose the level that suits you in Live Spellodrome. Correct Rookie level words are worth 10 points each. Master words are worth 15 points, Championship words are worth 20 points.
Live Spellodrome Play against other students around the world in a one on one spelling race. If you win, you earn 5 credits to spend in the Avatar shop. Be careful though - 3 strikes and you're out!
Crossword Type in the letters to spell the missing words. Click on the clue to hear the word and sentence. Check your answers by clicking erase mistakes.
Find A Word Your list words are hidden in the Find A Word Grid. The words to find are listed in the first box. Highlight the words as you find them by clicking and dragging. The words fade out in the word box when you have found them.
Face Maker Create your own avatar in the Face Maker. This will be what people around the world see when you play against them in Live Spellodrome. Use the credits you have earned to buy features for your avatar. Enter the shop and you will find new clothes, accessories backgrounds and more!
Millennium Gallery If they earn 1000 points in a week they will receive a digital millennium helmet, along with a certificate
Millennium Gallery When you reach 1000 points your award will appear in the millennium gallery. Click on this to see and print your certificate
Millennium Gallery Keep it up for 5 weeks and they will get a Golden Bike Award
My Results See how they are doing this week, in My Results. This section shows all the words that they have answered correctly and incorrectly. Click on any of the words to enter Cyclobot’s Support, where they can revise all the words they have seen in activities this week.
Report Keep track of their progress in the Report section. This will help them recognise their achievements in all of the different areas of Spellodrome.