VIRTUAL WELDING Fronius International GmbH Welding Technology division Froniusplatz Wels, Austria
3Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / CONTENTS / Virtual welding is here… / System versions / Didactic learning with Virtual Welding / Functional principle / Area of application / configuration / Ranking lists / results / Benefits / efficiency / References / Further developments / Preview
4Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / WHO WOULD HAVE BELIEVED 15 YEARS AGO, THAT... / Pilots would be trained on flight simulators / We would navigate without road maps / Surgeons would perfect their operating skills in a virtual environment / Emergency services would prepare for worst-case scenarios in computer- generated simulations (coordination following natural disasters, rescue operations, kidnappings, etc.) / Novice welders would train and perfect their basic skills on the Virtual Welder
Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / VIRTUAL WELDING IS HERE...
6Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / Professor Dr. Reisgen Image and reality play an important role in computer-based simulation and modern teaching methods, which is why Virtual Welding is so popular with the students in Aachen. Given that welding trainer places and staffing capacity are very limited, Virtual Welding has numerous additional benefits. In terms of time, almost all the lesson is spent practising welding. Explanations, instructions and safety supervision are not necessary because the virtual system is self-explanatory and intuitive.
7Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / SYSTEM VERSIONS Stand-up terminal / Portable / Network-enabled / Different welding positions / Workpiece versions / Storage area for torch, welding helmet and accessories / 22" touchscreen
8Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / SYSTEM VERSIONS Portable case / For external training / Network-enabled / Real welding torch / Haptic workpieces
9Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / SYSTEM VERSIONS VR glasses / Realistic welding environment with helmet / Different viewing angles / Dual visualisation (VR glasses + screen) / Can be adjusted to individual requirements
10Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / Software package Sensors 22" touchscreen Haptic workpieces Magnetic field sensor FUNCTIONAL PRINCIPLE
11Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / Training sessionSimulation session DIDACTIC LEARNING WITH VIRTUAL WELDING / Training session Supports the user with "ghosts" / Simulation session Produces a weld seam based on the actual torch movement / Permits changes to welding parameters
12Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / DIDACTIC LEARNING WITH VIRTUAL WELDING Training session / Speed / Stick out / Torch position / Objective evaluation of performance / Provides a controlled learning sequence
13Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / DIDACTIC LEARNING WITH VIRTUAL WELDING Simulation session / Representation of weld seam according to actual torch movement / Visual assessment of the bead / Performance also evaluated using points system
14Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / DIDACTIC LEARNING WITH VIRTUAL WELDING Simulation session / The session allows practice on the virtual weld seam using user- defined welding parameters / This instructs trainees in the welding parameters used for short circuit and spray arcs / The video analysis provides immediate feedback about the exercise that has just been carried out / Trainees can independently analyse and correct their mistakes
15Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / DIDACTIC LEARNING WITH VIRTUAL WELDING Additional interactive functions / Enhancing basic knowledge of welding technology / Explanation of components / Function overviews / Help functions / Choice of up to 15 languages / Login
16Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / AREA OF APPLICATION / CONFIGURATION Course management / These courses and the study programmes on which they are based are easy to access / Courses can be tailored to individual requirements or adapted to suit the target group / Different levels of difficulty allow specific training requirements to be met
17Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / AREA OF APPLICATION / CONFIGURATION / Showroom mode Ready to use in foyers, reception areas, entrance areas, trade fairs / Course mode The trainee practises welding according to a didactic concept / Open mode Ideal for product presentation and work outside a didactic environment
18Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / Login / Creation of a personal profile / Overview of the ranking lists for the relevant courses / Welding results give an indication of how the trainee is progressing / Promoting competition / Detailed results of the welding that has been carried out / Playback function enables trainees to analyse errors themselves RANKING LISTS / RESULTS
19Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / BENEFITS / EFFICIENCY Virtual / reality / Manual skills developed using Virtual Welding are put into practice straight away / Variable training structure / Course participants take responsibility for their own work / Digital documentation of tasks and results / Less pressure on the trainers / More time for the participants
20Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / BENEFITS / EFFICIENCY Costs / Average material costs for a basic MIG/MAG course with 60 training units (gas, wire, sheets, spare parts) € per participant Source: WIFI Linz Other aspects: / Less pressure on workshops (often oversubscribed) / PR boost for the training institute
21Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / Who can use Virtual Welding? / Training institutes (WIFI, BFI, etc.) / Welding associations (IIW, DVS, SLV, etc.) / Training workshops / Welding companies / State schools, technical colleges / Agricultural colleges / Technical colleges / Specialist colleges / Universities REFERENCES
22Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / REFERENCES Germany /Austria / SZF Fohnsdorf Training Centre / ISF Aachen / Rhine-Ruhr Training Centre / BFW Siegen / SL Magdeburg / Schäfer GmbH Dillingen
23Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / REFERENCES worldwide / IDAN Iceland / TVERSKOY Russia / INDUSTRIJSKO Obrtnicka skola Croatia / URALMASH Russia / ÉCOLE CENTRALE DE NANTES France / CFAI Languedoc Roussillion France / BAEST Czech Republic / VIPS Žilina Slovakia / PanGas Dagmersellen Switzerland
24Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / SZF FOHNSDORF TRAINING CENTRE
25Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / VIRTUAL WELDING – WHAT NEXT?
26Fronius International GmbH / Virtual Welding / FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS Preview / Experts simulate different applications and save data / Saved data is implemented in a real power source via networks / Welding parameters applied to an actual workpiece / Robot welds perfect weld seam on workpiece