Rules 1 to 5 Rule 1 Definitions
Appeal play Live or dead ball appeal Umpire cannot make decision until –Requested by manager, coach or player Request before –Next pitch Illegal substitude or illegal re-entry at any time –All defensive players have left fair territory –Umpires have left the field
Appeal play Can be made for the following: –Missing a base –Leaving a base on caught fly –Batting out of order –Attempt to second after turn at first –Illegal substitution –Illegal re-entry
Delayed dead Ball Ball alive till conclusion of play When is dead ball called –Illegal pitch –Catcher’s obstruction –Plate umpire interference –Obstruction Fake tag is concidered as an obstruction –Detached equipment contacting Thrown ball Fair-batted ball Pitched ball
Illegally caught ball fielder catches ball (batted, thrown,pitched) Cap Mask Glove Any part of uniform detached from proper place
Rule 2: Playing field Unobstucted fair territory minimum: m WOMEN m MEN Pitchers plate to backstop Minimum: 7.62 m Maximum: 9.14 m Base distance: m Pitching distance: m WOMEN m MEN –If a distance is found wrong during the game?
Rule 3: Equipment Official bat –Metal or wood –Round and smooth –Safety grip –Safety knob –Marked: OFFICIAL ISF APPROVED SOFTBALL Warm-up bats –One piece –Safety grip –Marked: WARM-UP BAT
Rule 3: Equipment Gloves and mitts –Pitcher: One solid color Not white or gray –Other players Multicolored is allowed –White or gray circles on outside Illegal for all players
Rule 3: Equipment Equipment on the field –Not in fair, nor in foul territiry –Effect: Dead ball Offensive equipement: –Player played on is out –All other players return to last base touched Defensive equipement –Blocked ball –Runners awarded two bases
Rule 3: Equipment Protective equipment –mask, throat protector, helmet All catchers Female: body protector Youth: body protector and shin guards –Helmets with two ear flaps Batters On-deck batters Batter-runners Runners Catchers (allowed without ear flaps) Youth age: coaches, bat boys
Rule 3: Equipment Helmet: Broken, cracked, dented or altered –Must be removed Failure to wear: – player called out –On-deck batter, catcher, youth age coaches »After warning, EJECTED Deliberately wearing helmet improperly or removing during live ball play –Player out –Not on home run over fence Thrown ball hits helmet (not on proper place) or defensive player contacts helmet on ground –Offensive player (who was wearing that helmet) OUT –Dead ball: all runners return
Rule 4: Coaches, players, substitudes Dugout conduct –All have to be in dugout At start of game Between innings –Except: on-deck batter (in circel) new pitcher warming up –First offence: team warning –Afterwoods: ejection
Rule 4: Substitutes Any player at any time Reported to plate umpire Considered in game when reported Plate umpire report to scorer No violation before a pitch No violation if reported before opposing team If discovered prior to first pitch: NO PENALTY –Illegal substitude declared LEGAL Illegal sub. considered in game if pitch is made Once substituted player cannot participate again –Except: as a coach –Except starting players: can return once (re-entry)
Effect: offensive violation –While at bat: A legal substitude or starting player assumes count Any advance of runner is legal Declared ineligible and removed –After batting turn, before next pitch Illegal player: OUT Any advance (result of batting) nullified Declared ineligible and removed –After batting turn and after next pitch No one out Any advance stands A legal substitude or starting player assumes his place Declared ineligible and removed –While in the game as runner No one out Any advance stands A legal substitude or starting player assumes his place Declared ineligible and removed
Effect: defensive violation After making a play, before next pitch –Declared ineligible and removed –Option play Taking the result Play nullified, runners return After making a play, after next pitch –Declared ineligible and removed –All plays stand
Rule 5: The game Mercy rule 20 runs: 3 innings 15 runs: 4 innings 7 runs: 5 innings Tie-breaker Starting: 8 inning –Runner at second: to bat ninth in that inning Scoring of runs Each time a runner legaly touches home plate –No run is scored if third out is Batter-runner before touching 1 base Runner being forced out A runner leaves base to soon on a pitch Preceding runner declared out
Rule 5: Charged conferences Offensive One each inning Umpire should not permit a second –Effect: ejection coach –Not charged Pitcher putting on warm-up jacket on base During offensive conference If umpire has suspended play
Rule 5: Charged conferences Defensive Three during 7 innings Do not start again with new pitcher If not used: lost One in each extra inning –Excess: pitcher declared illegal pitcher –It is charged Coach crosses foul line, talk with any player Player leaves field going into dugout –Not charged Coach report change of pitcher to umpire During offensive conference If umpire has suspended play
END Thank you for your attention