Ancient Greece
Consumer Goods
Human Figure
Egyptian Art
Battle with Persians
Philip II
Alexander “The Great”
Battle between Titans and Sky gods
Mt. Olympus
Zeus Thunder and lightening bolt Sacred – eagle and oak tree
Hera consort of Zeus mature woman cow and peacock
Poseidon holds a three-pronged spear horse
Hestia sacred flame burns as the communal hearth
Demeter Mother of Persephone Reason for seasons
Hades His helmet makes the wearer invisible
Apollo brother of Artemis. Son of Zeus and Leto carries bow & arrows or sometimes a lyre dolphin and laurel
Ares vulture and dog
Aphrodite myrtle, dove, sparrow and swan
Hephaestus Lame, married to Aphrodite. Carries hammer, wears a blacksmith’s apron
Artemis carries bow and arrows accompanied by hunting dogs deer and cypress
Athena Wears helmet, and carries shield owl and olive trees
Hermes Wears winged sandals and hat Carried a caduceus
Persephone Goddess of the underworld fertility
Dionysus Shown surrounded by grapevines and grape clusters Carries a wine cup His female followers are called maenads
Eros carries bow and arrows
Eos Goddess of the dawn
Pan half man/half goat Carries pan pipes
Nike Goddess of Victory
Geometric Period ( BCE)
Orientalizing Period ( BCE)
Archaic Period ( BCE)
Early/Transitional Period ( BCE)
5th Century (450-to end of 5th century BCE)
4th century Period ( BCE)
Hellenistic Period (320-31BCE)
Architectural Orders
Basic Parts of a Column
Geometric Period
Geometric Period ( BCE)
Proto-Geometric Example
Diplyon Vase, 750BCE, Geometric
Orientalizing Period
Orientalizing Period ( BCE)
Olpe Example
Archaic Period
Archaic Period ( BCE)
Vase Types
Archaic Sculpture Features “Archaic smile” Fully frontal Arms at side or engaged For men – one leg in front Heavy features Eyes open wide Ovid shaped head
Ergotimos (potter) and Kleitias (painter), Francois Vase, c.570, Archaic Period
Exekias, The Suicide of Ajax
NY Kourous, c.580, Archaic
Anavysos Kouros
Peplos Kore, c.530BCE, Archaic
Classical Period
Characteristics of Greek Classical Art Humanism – “Man is the Measure of all things.” Rationalism – “Know thyself” Idealism – “Nothing in excess”
Early/Transitional Period ( BCE)
Kritian Boy (Kritios Boy), c.480BCe, Classical
Riace Warrior, c BCE, Classical
Myron, Discobolos (The Discus Thrower), c. 450BCE, Classical
5th Century ( BCE)
Athenian Agora Agora interactive site
The Acropolis
Reconstruction detail
Temple of Athena Nike
Nike Adjusting her Sandal
The Erechtheion
Porch of the Maidens
Kallikrates and Iktinos, Parthenon, BCE, Classical
Sculptural Decoration Triumph of Greek democracy Preeminence of Athens Enlightened Greeks
West Pediment
Sculptural decoration
East Pediment complete
East Pediment
Cult statue of Athena
Lapith Fighting a Centaur
Frieze Reconstruction
Marshals and Young Women
Polykleitos, Doryphorous (Spear Bearer ), c BCE, Classical, Roman Copy
4th century Period ( BCE)
Hermes and infant Dionysos
Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos, c.350, Classical, Roman copy
Lysippos, The Scraper
Abduction of Persephone
Alexander the Great Confronts Darius III at the Battle of Issos, c.310BCE, Classical
Hellenistic Period BCE Emotion & Movement Individual and specific Personal feeling associated with the art Two Trends Classical Anti-Classical
Alexander’s Empire
Chieftan and his wife, Mother and Child, and Dying Gaul Trumpeter
Dying Gallic Trumpeter, c.220BCE, Hellenistic (Roman Copy)
Hagesandros, Polydoros, Athanadoros of Rhodes, Laocoön and His Sons, 1st century BCE Hellenistic
Laocoön and His Sons
Nike of Samothrace, c.190BCE, Hellenistic
Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo ), c150BCE, Hellenistic
Aphrodite of Melos