Bike MS Safety Clinic This Exit Next Exit… Bay to Bay Bike MS Tour
Bike MS Safety Rules Bike MS Safety Rules Bike MS follows all California Vehicle/Bike Code laws and include the following rules: 1.Wear a helmet – NO EXCEPTIONS! 2.No headphones allowed. 3.Obey all traffic signs and signals. 4.Pass only on the left. 5.Never ride more than 2 abreast so that other traffic can pass (including other cyclists). 6.Give hand signals when stopping or turning. 7.Cycle with traffic. 8.Ride friendly! Show respect for others and the communities through which we will ride.
Rider Responsibilities »Pedestrians and Cars »Be predictable »Expect them to be unpredictable »Watch for car doors swinging open »Stay calm and be friendly »Signal their presence to other riders »Pedestrians always have the right of way
Riding Techniques »Be Alert »Watch for cars turning right »Watch for cars exiting driveways »Look back before passing or merging »Call out, “on your left” before passing »Watch your speed »Look for movement inside parked cars, a face in the side mirror
Group Riding Techniques »Know the Lingo & Communicate »On your Left: This means a rider is approaching your left side. Allow room to pass. »Car back: This means a car is approaching from the rear. All riders make an effort to move to the right of the road in a single file until the car passes. In most states, the law requires cyclists to ride no more than two abreast. This ensures that traffic will not be impeded, and will make passing easier and safer for the cyclists. »Gravel - Pothole - Sand – Tracks – Glass - Bump: Each of these messages is to alert the riders behind you of hazardous road conditions. The words are combined with the gesture of pointing to the hazard well in advance. »Flat: This indicates that a rider has suffered a flat tire. Allow enough room for the rider to slow down and move to the right side of the road or trail for repair. Offer assistance if needed. »Slowing: The cyclist in front of you is slowing down. Use caution and prepare to stop. Many cyclists use the palm of their hand toward riders behind them to indicate slowing and stopping. »Stopping: This indicates that a rider ahead is stopping. Do not forget to unclip from your pedals. »Runner Up: This indicates that a runner on the road ahead. »Rider Up: This indicates that a lone rider is on the road ahead.
Group Riding Techniques Cont’d »Ride to the Right (fast riders will pass on the left) »Keep your head up, look down the road past the rider in front of you »Maintain a steady speed and predictable line »Do not draft behind motor vehicles and do not ride too close to other riders or overlap wheels »Adjust your safety zone to the current road conditions
Riding in Roundabout »Take control of the traffic lane EARLY »Behave EXACTLY like a motor vehicle »DO NOT squeeze to the right edge of the lane »Use the full lane throughout the roundabout
Riding in Wet Weather While we hope that sunny California stays that way, we will ride the Tour rain or shine! »Braking – leave more space »Slick Surfaces – avoid painted areas & metal covers »Face splatter! »Expect more flat tires
Assistance on the Route »Rest Stops with Bike Mechanics & Medical support »Ride Marshals on the route »Route Marshals/Local Police »CARES/MARC vehicles »Take off helmet when in need of assistance
Hot Spots »City of San Clemente – stop signs »Bike trail into Trestles – pedestrian traffic »San Onofre Campground – 15mph limit & stay to the right SINGLE FILE »Camp Pendleton – SINGLE FILE »Roads in La Jolla »Descents at Lake Hodges (narrow bike lane, rocks, and cross winds)
Pre-ride Bike Check Pre-ride Bike Check (Before EVERY ride!) A – Air proper inflation, tire wear, loose spokes B – Brakes brake cable tightness, brake pads C – Chain, Cranks, Cassette Lube chain, fluid gear shifting, worn gears Quick Check quick releases tight, warped rims, frame fatigue, bolts tight When in doubt, take your bike into one of our participating bike shops ( a free safety check
What to Wear »HELMET!!! »Stiff shoes »Cycling clothes »Eye Protection »Gloves »Arm warmers »Leg warmers »Skull Cap / Dew Rag »Jacket / Vest
Hydration / Nutrition »Plan on drinking 4 – 8 oz. of liquid every minutes (more on hot days) »Consider using an energy drink »Fill up / top off your water bottles at every rest stop, even if they are not empty »Consider a backpack hydration system (Camelback)
What to Carry with You »Sunscreen / Lip balm »Tools Spare Tubes Patch Kit Multi-tool Pump or CO 2 Tire Levers »Energy Bars, Gels, Water, Electrolyte replacement »Picture I.D. (required) »Copy of Insurance & Medical information/meds »Cell Phone (only use when stopped) »Backpack/Saddle Bag »Money & Credit Card (for emergency use)