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Contents Chapter 18 Daily Focus Transparency 18-1 Daily Focus Transparency 18-2 Daily Focus Transparency 18-3 Chapter 19 Daily Focus Transparency 19-1 Daily Focus Transparency 19-2 Daily Focus Transparency 19-3 Click a hyperlink to go to the corresponding transparency. Press the ESC key at any time to exit the presentation. Daily Focus Transparencies (Unit 7) Chapter 20 Daily Focus Transparency 20-1 Daily Focus Transparency 20-2 Daily Focus Transparency 20-3 Chapter 21 Daily Focus Transparency 21-1 Daily Focus Transparency 21-2
Continued on next slide. DF 18-1
Answers: 1.He or she can introduce you to new ideas and experiences. 2.He or she can spend time with you and help you achieve your goals. 3.Your answer should cite a specific example of a friendship in which you provided stimulation or utility value. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 18-1a
DF 18-2 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 18-2a Answers: 1.Each person applies his/her own stereotypes and fits the person into a schema. 2.This tendency to form opinions upon our first impressions is called the primacy effect. 3.Factors include age, dress and body language. 4.No, first impressions are strong and we tend to make later information fit them.
DF 18-3 Continued on next slide.
Answers: 1.He identified them as need, caring, and intimacy. 2.Possible answers include: do nice things for the person, give the person meaningful gifts, and remember special occasions in your relationship. 3.Possible answers include sharing their true selves and discussing their deepest thoughts and feelings. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 18-3a
DF 19-1 Continued on next slide.
Answers: 1.A group has the following traits: interdependence, shared goals, and communication. 2.Each member will be affected by the actions of the other members. 3.They help you do things (task functions) and they fulfill emotional needs (social functions). 4.It is possible that a group is held together by an agreement on standards of behavior, a share commitment, as well as shared ideas and goals. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 19-1a
DF 19-2 Continued on next slide.
Answers: 1.Pastor–moral authority; military– commands troops; physician–provides medical advice 2.Pastor– congregation; military–lower ranks; physician– patients 3.Society recognizes their authority and respect is often taught by parents. 4.Yes, we should be limited by moral principles of decent or right actions. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 19-2a
DF 19-3 Continued on next slide.
Answers: 1.Individuals in a group decide not to cooperate. 2.Both the individual and the group are harmed by a social trap. 3.Possible solutions include: laws to regulate behavior and education to change behavior. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 19-3a
DF 20-1 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 20-1a Answers: 1.Her attitude was probably formed through systematic examination of the issues. 2.She formed her opinion by agreeing with Shayla because she appears to know what she is doing. 3.Our peers, culture, and family may influence our attitudes.
DF 20-2 Continued on next slide.
Answers: 1.The contradiction in his actions is that he speaks in favor of helmets while he refuses to wear one. 2.He may eventually try to be consistent and wear a helmet. 3.He can wear a helmet or change his position on wearing a helmet. 4.He might want to achieve consistency in his thinking. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 20-2a
DF 20-3 Continued on next slide.
Answers: 1.Buy ice cream cones. 2.The message is being delivered through verbal channels on a hot day. 3.The audience is the people walking down the street. 4.Answers will vary. It is possible that the hot day will elicit a response. On the other hand, the vendors appearance and lack of enthusiasm may not get a response. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 20-3a
DF 21-1 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 21-1a Answers: 1.An understanding of psychology helps in understanding human behavior and motivation. 2.A mental health assistant’s responsibilities include helping with admission interviews, administering tests, and monitoring progress. 3.A school psychologist administers and assesses psychological and intelligence tests and works with students and families to resolve student’s problems.
DF 21-2 Continued on next slide.
Answers: 1.The two primary fields in contemporary psychology are experimental and applied. 2.Help would come from the applied field to treat depression. 3.The experimental field would discover a genetic tendency toward depression. 4.They both gather available evidence, offer the best information they find, study behavior, and use similar processes in similar situations. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. DF 21-2a
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