Cycle Safety
Each time you hop onto your bike, do you wear your helmet? If you do, why do you wear your helmet? If you don’t, why not?
Here are some reasons why children DO wear their helmet each time they ride their bikes. They had an accident and luckily they were wearing their helmet so it protected their head. A helmet protects your head which protects your brain. Family or friends have been involved in serious accidents. Seen many poster campaigns on helmet safety, which made them realise how important it is to wear a helmet. They live near very busy roads with very fast drivers.
Here are some reasons why children DO NOT wear their helmet each time they ride their bikes. They don't ride very far away from their homes. They are experienced riders so they don't need to. A lot of adults don't wear helmets Makes their head itchy. Messes up their hair. Looks like there is a mushroom on their head!
Accidents we hear about from the children who come to I.M.P.S. A child’s brother fell off his scooter and suffered serious head injuries because he was not wearing a helmet. A child’s uncle was involved in a serious bike accident and the doctors said his helmet saved his life. A teacher’s daughter was outside her house on her bike when she tried to go up a curb but lost balance and fell off. Luckily she had a helmet on because she cracked the back of it. A mum’s work colleagues son, fell off his bike and landed on his head. Luckily he was wearing a helmet because it split in two. A child’s uncle fell of his bike and because he wasn’t wearing his helmet he suffered serious head injuries and died. A child’s auntie smashed her forehead when she fell off her bike and had bad head injuries because she was not wearing her helmet.
These real life accidents are just a few examples as to why wearing a helmet is very important...
Even if you are just riding very near to your home, you are a experienced rider or wearing a helmet makes you look like a mushroom! A helmet is essential. A helmet protects your brain which is the most important organ in your body as it controls EVERYTHING you do.
Are you cycle safe? So, remember next time you go out for a ride on your bike.. Created by Aisha Nadeem (work experience student)