Advisor Recruitment and Training Association of College Honor Societies
Getting Started Dan Ashlock, Arizona State University Director, Student Engagement Community Service, Student Government, Campus Activities, Student Legal Assistance, Fraternity/Sorority Life, Student Organizations, Residential Student Engagement ASU – more than 600 clubs
Ground Rules Respect each other’s opinions Participate fully in the session Agree to keep sensitive examples confidential Ask questions/challenge each other Have a good time
Session Goals To share knowledge and trends related to advising student organizations To engage in dialogue about the challenges of finding advising support To build a network of colleagues To identify critical areas for training advisors
Participant Census Who’s in attendance Briefly identify a challenge you have faced relating to selecting or training advisors
ZOOM! Look at your picture and observe the details Do not SHOW others your picture Your goal is to sequence the pictures in the correct order without looking at one another’s pictures Banyai, Istvan, 1995, Zoom, Viking (Penguin Books)
ZOOM! debrief What were the challenging components of Zoom? What type of communication was used in attempting to solve the problem? What might have worked better? What kind of leadership emerged? How does Zoom relate to advising student organizations?
Recruiting Advisors Ask student leadership to nominate Talk to campus resources Student Activities Office Student Affairs Office Academic Units related to your organization Identify Alumni of your organization Share expectations from the first interaction Give reasonable time to think about commitment
Student Organization Influences Mandated Responsibilities Delegated Responsibilities Deferred Responsibilities Relational Responsibilities Appointment Responsibilities “The Student Gov’t will…” “Executed permission” “When asked, give feedback” “By virtue of organization status…” Placement of students on institutional committees Nolfi Torok, 1999, Advising Student Governments
Advising Knowledge Relationships for the Advisor To the National Organization To the Senior Student Affairs Officer To the Student Honor Society Leaders To Other Campus Officials To Other Student Leaders
Advising Knowledge, cont. Legal Issues Know the role your student organization plays in governance structures Open meeting rules Student Fees Institutional Local/City State National Rules on campus for funding
Training Student Leaders Role of student leaders in your organization and national expectations Historical Context of your organization Understanding the Institution Understanding the Organization General Leadership Governance Organization Chart Budget Polices (written & unwritten) Constitution/Bylaws Policies/Processes Budget Individual Roles by Position Communication Group Development Time Management Leadership styles Ethics/Values/Accountability Effective Meeting Management Conflict management Problem Solving
Developing Advising Strategies Kathleen E. Allen’s Environmental Factors that affect appropriate selection of advising style Institutional expectations placed on the advisor and the student organization Student leader expectations placed on the advisor Developmental maturity of the organization and its current leadership Allen, May 1983, Campus Activities Programming
Developing Advising Strategies Use Bolman and Deal’s Four Frames of Reference to effectively move an agenda through the political process The Political Frame Identification of limits and boundaries of authority The Human Resource Frame Creation of supporting, caring, trusting environment The Structural Frame Productivity from clear roles and organizational goals The Symbolic Frame Characteristics that give meaning to organization and express faith of members/leaders Bolman & Deal, 1991, Reframing Organizations
Building Credibility Honesty Competence Future focus Inspirational Kouzes & Posner, 1995, The Leadership Challenge
Establishing Credibility Advising Characteristics Consistency with decisions Advocating for students Listening to students High-visibility at student events Understanding student government goals Developing relationships with students Meeting students on their turf Attending student meetings Student Characteristics Consistency decision making Advocating for students Listening to advisor High-visibility at major student events Achieving the student organization goals Developing relationships with key student leaders Offering to meet in the advisor’s office Involving advisor in executive meetings Nolfi Torok, 1999, Advising Student Governments