Last Days of Pompeii Gladiators
Samnis rectangular shield visored helmet, often with plumes sword greave on left leg big leather belt
Samnis (later called hoplomachi)
Thrax crested helmet with visor greaves on both legs arm protector small shield short, curved sword
Retiarius “netman” trident, net arm protector with high metal shoulder protector
Andabata heavily armed no eye holes in helmet
Myrmillo sword and rectangular shield greave on left leg
(or) Murmillo high crest resembled a fish
“Morituri te salutant.” “Those about to die salute you.” What did gladiators say to the editor before a fight began?
Lanista – manager of gladiators; owner of gladiatorial school training area and barracks (Pompeii)
Removal of Corpse after making sure gladiator is dead, slave hooks body
Editor – sponsor/giver of games paid for games determined which gladiators lived and died
gladiator raised finger to signal defeat
Tomb of the Augurs (in Tarquinia) – gladiatorial combats probably started as funeral games during the Republic
munera – funeral games/offerings 6 th -century BC Etruscan wall painting
During Empire, games helped determine a public official’s popularity. Pollice Verso Jean Leon Gerome (1872)
venatio = huntbestiarii = hunters
Identify the type of gladiator. r e t i a r i u s s a m n i s thrax
Vela/Velaria – awnings placed over amphitheater note vela above naumachia
Flavian Amphitheater (aka Colosseum) construction began around 72 AD by Vespasian Vespasian died in June 79 AD son Titus finished construction dedicated in 80 AD
Pretend that you're a gladiator....