Safe-Cyclist Project (Night-Rider) Anthony Rowe Assistant Research Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Carnegie Mellon University
Is cycling safe? Yes and No 677 Killed in 2011 (32,367 by car) 2.17 per million riders (1.10 by car) 72% Urban 33% at Intersections 53% during evening commute (4pm-12am) Average age for deaths 43 Est. 48,000 Injured in 2011 Average age for injury 32 Many not reported
Lots of activity in this space… Hovding Airbag “Gadgets to Boost Bike Safety” - NYT Helios Bars SMART sensor helmet BLAZE Headlight
How can technology help? Crowd-Source Safe Routes Hazardous Zone Detection Pot hole, stressful roads, user labels Collision Avoidance Smart Lighting Adaptive and reactive Auto 911 for accidents Traffic Law Notification Video Accident Logging
Electronics Pkg IMU Speakers Smartphone Hub -IMU, GPS Battery Front Video Electronics -DSRC, CPU Radar, FLIR optical flow, Rear Video Tail Lights Rumble Bar Laser Projection Speed Motor Power / Cadence Body Worn - Heart Rate Monitor Wind Sensor
Target Solutions Smartphone PnP Architecture Vehicle Proximity Detection Reactive Lighting Connected Helmet Rumble Bars
Existing Bike Peripherals Bluetooth Strain Gauge power meter + cadence Heart Rate Monitor Tire Pressure Monitor Smartphone Mounts
Smartphone PnP Architecture Rumbler Bars Camera Dictionary Headlight Accelerometer Plugin Plugin PubSub Tail light DSRC Plugin Plugin Helmet Audio Plugin Plugin GPS LED Mirror Smartphone Sensors Logging Actuators
Vehicle Proximity Detection Previous attempts include: Ultrasound, RADAR, LIDAR, cameras, … DSRC + Differential GPS Arada LocoMate ME Bluetooth, DSRC, GPS RTKLib + Radio PMUs
Reactive Lighting Connected Head / Tail light Change color / brightness / tempo Acceleration Proximity Environmental Conditions
Connected Helmet IMU tracks head motion Binaural alerts from speakers Is the rider paying attention? Have they looked back recently? Binaural alerts from speakers Electronics Pkg IMU Speakers
Rumble Bar Virtual rumble strip inserts
Rideshare Commuter Bike What about the bike? Faraday Electric Bike Rideshare Commuter Bike
Questions / comments? Team Connor Brem, Computer Science (Junior) Spencer Barton, ECE (Junior) Chris Palmer, ECE (Research Programmer) Oliver Shih, ECE (Ph.D.) Ali Momeni, Art Department (Assistant Prof.) Bruno Sinopoli, ECE Department (Associate Prof.)