By Doug Rives
First recorded Fight was at Forum Boarium 264 B.C. Two sons of Brutus Pera arranged fights to honor Father’s death
Originators thought to be Etruscans according to Greek writer Athenaeus No evidence in paintings
Often used to increase popularity Ceasar (before dictator) put on a show with 320 fighters Titus presented one that went for months with thousands (man and beast) dying Eventually put rules on showings to prevent the gain of popularity
At start of the popularity of games they were held in the Forum Later held at amphitheater to seat more people around 1 st Century B.C. One of the most famous was the Coliseum
The Arena was not just for Gladiators Hunts in the morning and executions at midday Gladiators were the main attraction
Games could be Man vs. Man or Man vs. Beast or Beast vs. Beast Very few women in arena Made lots of money and gained popularity for state/ emperor
Often slaves but some enlisted Were considered property Some became rich but most ended up dying Supposed to accept death
7 types Eques, Hoplomachus, Murmillo, Provocator, Retiarius, Secutor, Thraex
Eques Started on Horse ended fighting hand to hand No armor but a helmet and a shield Two long swords
Hoplomachus Long spear and sword or dagger Had a Helmet and a small shield
Murmillo Large helmet that had decorations and a large rectangular shield Gladius
Provocator Chest plate, arm guard, large helmet, and large shield Gladius
Retiarius No Helmet, arm guard Net and trident and dagger
Secutor Egg shaped helmet and large shield Gladius
Thraex Visored helmet, small rectangular shield and shin protectors Short sword that was curved or kinked
Misso was the decision at the end of the fight to kill or let live Saved money with training Often depicted in pictures
Androclus was a runaway slave Sentenced to fight a lion When Lion approached he licked Androclus When Androclus fled he hid in Lions cave Pulled Splinter out of Lion’s foot
Androclus was set free and was given the Lion as a pet
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