Fresh Meat Basics! Brought to you by the Gas City Roller Derby Association
Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA)
WFTDA RULES … Roller derby would not be the sport it is today without WFTDA. The international governing body for flat track leagues, WFTDA sets the rules, regulations of derby and also helps to advance and further the sport.
Oh Canada …
It all started in Alberta … Oil City Derby Girls were the first league to form North of the 49. Since then, many leagues have formed representing cities and towns of all sizes throughout our country. Canada’s governing insurance body is the Canadian Women’s Roller Derby Association CWRDA.
Gas City Roller Derby Association (GCRDA)
Non-profit since 2009 The Gas City Rollers became a on-profit roller derby league in Since then we have been training to play the competitive sport of roller derby. The guys and gals involved in the sport are committed to the community and have volunteered with many community organizations to make an impact in the community of Medicine Hat
How it all works … Fresh Meat Skaters: These are our newbies, they train on the basics of roller derby: falls, footwork, stops, crossovers ect. Skaters are expected to start reading the wftda rulebook and pass minimum benchmark skills to advance to full skate. Fresh meat skaters are expected to volunteer for game day and league events. Full Skate Members: Here the rules and strategy of the game are learned. Skaters are expected to integrate basic skills with team and pack play. Skaters are expected to have a working knowledge of the wftda rulebook and will write a wftda rules test before they are able to bout. Skaters must maintain benchmark skills and rebenchmark annually. Skaters are expected to attend practices, volunteer for league committees and be in good standing to play.
Membership fees & Insurance Monthly membership fees for members $40. Insurance fees are $50 per year. Fresh meat can skate 2 weeks before requiring CWRDA insurance. You will need to insured to skate, bout in our facility.
The straight dope on gear: Fresh Meat packages are recommended for beginner skaters. At the minimum you need, mouth guard, helmet, wrist, knee and elbow protection and of course, roller skates. Additional gear allowed can include; shin guards, butt/hips protection ect.
Get your head in the game! Becoming a Gas City Rollers means playing roller derby! But before you bout … it’s a great idea to get an understanding of the game … /watch?v=_T8izdlc-dYhttp:// /watch?v=_T8izdlc-dY
Being a part of the team! Gas City Rollers don’t just kick butt on the track. We kick butt all over the community! Members of the team need to lend a hand, volunteer time and resources to host bouts, fundraise and team up with over non-profits to make a difference in our community!
Time Commitment! We all have busy lives, families, school, jobs, relationships! But to join the crazy world of derby, you will have to commit your time and energy to the cause. To play you must attend practices, pay your membership fees and be in good standing with the league. We practice 2 x week from 8pm to 9:30pm
We need refs! NSOs!
Get involved with derby! Derby girls could not play without the support of their reffing crew, NSO crew and volunteers to make the game happen! If you are interested in reffing or becoming a Non-Skating Official please talk to the GCRDA ref crew
Gas City Rollers are into networking!
Need more info? Like us on FB! Get added to our group page! us: **Talk to a member! We are wealth of information:)