Becky Pepper, SRTS Coordinator, KDOT Cherie Sage, Safe Kids Director, KDHE Kim Neufeld, Health Educator, Sedgwick Co. Health Department Robert Johnson,


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Presentation transcript:

Becky Pepper, SRTS Coordinator, KDOT Cherie Sage, Safe Kids Director, KDHE Kim Neufeld, Health Educator, Sedgwick Co. Health Department Robert Johnson, Director of Consulting, The PedNet Coalition Jennifer Church, Community Health Promotion Director, KDHE

 All schools will integrate walking and biking into their transportation plans  Community teams will support schools in this effort with support and TA from state and national level partners

 Counties were targeted based on the following criteria: CDRR and/or HCI, Safe Kids and PA Champions present and active Schools/districts that received SRTS funding in the past 3 years  Poised for action  Policies and network help to continue and sustain the good work

ImplementingTransitioningModeling An assessment on walking/biking to school has been completed to determine safety and feasibility The school has developed a walk and/or bike to school plan and encourages students to walk and/or bike to school The school has implemented a walk and/or bike to school plan and has communicated it to the community

Becky Pepper State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Kansas Department of Transportation Contact:

 Federal program authorized through Federal Transportation Bill MAP-21  Provides funding for infrastructure and noninfrastructure activities  Benefits children in grades K-8

 Encourage more children to walk and bike to school  Make walking and bicycling safe ways to get to school

 Education  Encouragement  Enforcement  Engineering  Evaluation

EDUCATION  Teaches safety skills  Creates safety awareness  Fosters life-long safety habits  Includes parents, neighbors and other drivers

ENCOURAGEMENT  Increases popularity of walking and biking  Is an easy way to start SRTS programs  Emphasizes fun of walking and biking

ENFORCEMENT  Increases awareness of pedestrians and bicyclists  Improves driver behavior  Helps children follow traffic rules  Decreases parent perceptions of danger

ENGINEERING  Creates safer, more accessible settings for walking and biking  Can influence the way people behave


Next Step: Policy Implementation “High level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a government body” Why?  Long lasting change and support  With limited SRTS funding, policy can lead to sustainable funding How ?  Get everyone involved School districts, cities, counties, non-profit organizations, parents and kids

Resources:  National Safe Routes to School  Safe Routes to School National Partnership  Safe Routes to School Local Policy Guide /pdf/Local_Policy_Guide_2011.pdf  Safe Routes to School District Policy Workbook routes/welcome

15 Beginner Policies

8 Intermediate Policies

5 Advanced Policies

 Why incorporate safety into policies? Policies create more lasting change.  Policies aren’t just laws and ordinances. They also include planning documents and procedures.

Environmental examples:  Bike racks visible, safe and protected  Helmet polices for children riding to and from school  Designated bike lanes  No parking zones for safer pedestrian crossing  Crosswalks – in place and well maintained  School zones

Programmatic examples  Remote drop off  Walking School Bus  Bicycle Trains  School Safety Patrol/Crossing Guards  Educational Campaigns: ie. Moment of Silence  Resources (ie. free or low-cost bike helmets), particularly for low-income families

Policy examples that make it safer for students  Bike helmet policies  School drop-off pick-up zone policies  Zoning – ie. street parking  Enforcement of existing policies/laws  Speed limits (ie. school zones)  Double fines  Master transportation plans  School siting policies  City ordinances requiring helmet use

Resources/partnerships  AAA School Safety Patrol or adult crossing guards  Walkability and Bikeability tools to audit existing environment and track changes  Photovoice  Business leaders (ie. incentives for frequent walkers or those who walk on a certain day)  Safe Routes to School  Local Policy Guide  Collaboration with city planners, law enforcement (including SROs), local business owners, decision makers, PTA or PTO

 Walk To School Day/Walk AT School Day schools in USD 259 participate annually Students at McCollom participated used walking school buses with their Walk to School Day activities. They were painted as “Walcking” school buses – a play on the principal’s name, Shane Walck. Primarily organized & led by the Safe Kids Wichita Area Coalition 1 school is chosen as the “main” school A Peterson Elementary student sits in a fire truck as part of Walk to School Day activities.

 Schools Walk to School Day Month-long activities  Worksite Promotion  Community Partner events General promotion

 Started in only a few schools  2010 – 11 schools (we removed the non-participation option)  2011 – 13 schools (101 families =121,813 minutes)  2012 – 14 schools  2013 – 41 schools (approx. 21,000 students)  2014 – on track to increase Continue to modify & adjust as needed. A few minor changes can make all the difference.

Bicycle Master Plan (City of Wichita) Bike Walk Wichita Health & Wellness Coalition Bike Shops & other supporting businesses Safe Kids Coalition Bike Clubs (focus on rides primarily) Wichita Area Metro. Planning Org Community organizations Schools Sedgwick County Health Dept. Funders Wichita’s Bicycle Network

Bike to School Day

CHAMPIONSRIDESEVENTSSAFETYGROUPSEDUCATION Bike Walk Wichita Health & Wellness Coalition City of Wichita WAMPO Bike/Ped Advisory Board anyone who rides a bike Bike Shop OwnersWorksites Safe Kids Coalition Better Block Women’s Cycling Fashion Show Bike Month!Bike 2 School Kohl’s Safety Town Obstacle Course Sedgwick County EMS Bike Team Safety resources & messaging integrated/promoted Education resources & messaging integrated/promoted Partner with existing community events to make them bike/ped friendly Bike Valet Parking Wichita Police Bike Team OZ Bike ClubBike MS Team LLS Team in Training Prairie Travelers Augusta-Andover Rails to Trails Initiative KS Singletrack Society Safe Kids Coalition Helmet Fitting & Safety Town Education resources shared online & through social media Pedalfest Walnut ValleyWicked Wind 100 Ride of silence Women of Wednesday Ride WSU Bicycle Club Bike Shop rides Final Friday Art Crawl City Council videos Ordinance & policy work


 Form local teams  Talk to/obtain commitment from Superintendents and/or wellness coalitions  Share tools, provide TA  Administer $$ to support efforts or purchase items for schools (available through SAST project)  Help increase community awareness

 Becky Pepper, ,  Cherie Sage, ,  Robert Johnson, ,  Kim Neufeld, ,  Jennifer Church, ,