1 Beyond broadcast: the art (and science) of getting research into practice Dez Holmes Director Research in Practice
Knowledge utilisation Passive dissemination is not effective Five key mechanisms for successful utilisation: Dissemination, interaction, social influence, facilitation, incentives and reinforcement Nutley et al 7
Mission: to build capacity in evidence-informed practice in services for children
Knowledge mobilisation Academics Broker Practitioners The broker interprets, analyses and summarises evidence to increase understanding and use 10
Evidence-informed practice organisations ‘ Research-based practitioner’ model ‘Embedded research’ model ‘Organisational Excellence’ model
Social workers should not blindly apply or impose research findings to every individual client, but instead use their own experience as well as the client’s preferences to honor client self- determination (Petr 2009)
Barriers and de-motivators Policy Users Employers Individuals Evidence 14
Motivators and enablers Leadership Culture Communication Support to understand and use evidence Commitment 15
‘push factors’ Clear expectations of professionals Greater scrutiny of decisions (e.g. courts, inspection, performance assessment, media) Government pressure to tackle enduring problems (e.g. troubled families, integration of health and care, cost of care) Integrated working with other disciplines and professions – what knowledge does your organisation ‘bring to the party’? Evidence-informed commissioning 16
‘pull factors’ We’re more likely to achieve the outcomes if we know more about what’s likely to work best It’s at the heart of continued professional development It supports transparency in decision-making of the organisation and gives us the opportunity to explain to families/users/carers how decisions are made It equips us to make cases for investment 17
website publications change projects learning events in-house workshops 360˚ support for EIP
research reviews Children experiencing domestic violence (Stanley 2011) Safeguarding in the 21st century (Barlow and Scott 2010) One in ten: key messages from policy, research and practice about young people who are NEET (Tunnard, Barnes and Flood 2008) Relatively speaking: developments in research and practice in kinship care (Nixon 2008) Disengagement and re-engagement of young people in learning at Key Stage 3 (Morris and Pullen 2007) Conduct Disorder in older children and young people (Joughin and Morley 2007) Parental mental health problems (Tunnard 2004)
frontline briefings child development chart:0-11years
learning programme range of events: Partnership Conferences Research Messages Workshops Team Managers’ Workshops In-house workshops webinars certificates provided to contribute to re-registration requirements
Change Projects Collaborative learning between researchers and practitioners to create new knowledge and accessible evidence-informed resources for practitioners Change Projects include: Analysis and Critical Thinking in Assessment Housing and Play Change Project around the topic of early intervention commissioning Parental Capacity to Change / Training Transfer Voice of CYP (2014)
a ‘third generation approach’ Unaided clinical judgement in relation to the assessment of risk of harm, is now widely recognised to be flawed Barlow 2012: 20 Evidence-based actuarial tools Professional judgement
Checklist Improve access User engagement Analyse barriers and enablers Align needs and knowledge Support for knowledge use Credibility Training Co-production 29
Unilever’s “5 levers of change model”
Make it PERSONAL 31
“Evidence is to a practitioner what a rudder is to a boat... Both rudder and sail actually.”
“It ’ s like the compass and the safety helmet to a climber.”
“It ’ s the recipe that helps you know what you ’ re doing and why you ’ re doing it – and what difference you ’ ve made.”
“It protects you and it gives you confidence – like wearing shin-pads and stilettos at the same time.”
“It ’ s the raft you hold onto when everything else in your organisation is adrift.”
37 Thank you