What did Jesus say a man should build his house on? #1
A. Gold Mine B. Sand C. Rock D. A River Bank #1
C. Rock #1
Question #2
What did God give Daniel the ability to explain?
A. Other languages B. Smoke signals C. Dreams D. Words of rap songs
C. Dreams
Question #3
What did the soldiers place on Jesus’ head before his death on the cross?
A. A helmet B. Golden crown C. A hood D. Crown of thorns
D. Crown of thorns
Question #4
What city heard Jonah’s preaching and turned to God?
A. Washington DC B. Nineveh C. Jerusalem D. Rome
B. Nineveh
Question #5
Which of these men did Jesus heal of blindness?
A. Nicodemus B. Zacchaeus C. Bartholomew D. Bartimaeus
D. Bartimaeus
Question #6
What is special about a man named Enoch?
A. Raised from dead B. Judge of Israel C. Healed by Paul D. He never died
D. He never died
Question #7
What did Satan tell Jesus to turn into bread?
A. A Turtle B. His Sandal C. A Scroll D. A Stone
D. A Stone
Question #8
Which one of Joseph’s brothers kept his other brothers from killing him?
A. Judah B. Benjamin C. Dan D. Reuben
D. Reuben
Question #8
How old was Abraham when his son Isaac was born?
A. 15 B. 30 C. 65 D. 100
D. 100
Question #9
What miraculous thing did God use to free Paul and Silas from Jail?
A. A Whirlwind B. An Earthquake C. A Flash Flood D. A Swarm of Locust
B. An Earthquake
Last Question
What was the name of Samuel’s mother?
A. Mary Magdalene B. Ruth C. Hannah D. Deborah
C. Hannah