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Message #1 “Judas Iscariot”
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Presentation transcript:


Introduction Another ordinary man called to follow Jesus Some see him as wholly and completely evil But perhaps we let our knowledge of his end color our judgment of his early character Like the other apostles his character had its flaws But Jesus showed that people can harness or change their character to serve Him So why did things go differently for Judas?

Introduction Iscariot – “man of Kerioth” Not a references to the Sicarii (Zealots) as some suppose A reference to his hometown, a village of Judea His father was Simon (Jn 13:2) Probably began to follow Jesus when He visited Jerusalem for Passover (Jn 2:13) No reference to his initial call First reference when called to apostleship (Matt 10:4; Mk 3:19; Lk 6:16)

HIS CALL He was willing to follow Jesus When less devoted disciples deserted Jesus, Judas remained (Jn 6:66-71) Does this passage mean Judas had already decided to betray Jesus? Not necessarily John wrote his gospel 40-60 years later, so v 70 can be seen as explanatory But Jesus did know one of the 12 would betray Him because prophecy made that clear JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

The Prophecies Which prophecies referred to the betrayal? Ps 41:9; Ps 55:12-14; Zech 11:12-13 Did Jesus know Judas would betray Him when he was chosen? Jesus knew Judas’ character (Jn 2:25) Just an ordinary man with strengths and weaknesses Would not make sense to suppose He chose someone who was wholly evil He must have seen something worthwhile But didn’t the prophecy say Judas would betray Him? No, only that one of His close companions would It could have been any of the 12, one of them was certain to make the wrong choice JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

His Time with Christ Judas heard these lessons (that we know of): the parable of the unjust steward the message of the wedding garment preaching against the love of money preaching against greed preaching against pride They all had been warned that one of them was a devil (Jn 6:70) Peter himself had been called “Satan” and “an offense” (Mt 16:23), and he changed JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

HIS DISILLUSIONMENT Perhaps Judas expected more from Jesus Jesus was not fulfilling Judas’ personal expectations and ambitions In fact He taught against those expectations and ambitions, especially the idea of an earthly kingdom All the Apostles struggled with ambition and a belief in an earthly kingdom Even after the resurrection (Acts 1:6) At some point, Judas decides to “cut his losses” and try to get something tangible JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

HIS GREED Jn 11:45-57 – After Lazarus was raised Jewish leaders were seeking to kill Jesus Put out orders for information Jn 12:1-3 - Mary anoints Jesus with the costly perfume Less than a week before His death Jn 12:4-7 - According to Judas this ointment was worth a year’s wages Judas has been embezzling funds given to Jesus We don’t know for how long Why did Jesus put him in charge of the money? Wouldn’t Matthew have been a better choice? Didn’t Jesus know he was a thief? JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

HIS GREED Jesus gave Judas the opportunity to choose Perhaps (as seen by Judas’ quick calculations) Judas was good with money and figures and cost estimates Would have made a good barterer for supplies Jesus tested all his apostles in the areas where their character was weak and needed to change For example, Jn 6:5-7 – Tested Philip Jesus’ rebuke (Jn 12:7) seems rather mild Matt 26:6-13 makes clear it was not just Judas who thought better use could have been made of the perfume All were being equally rebuked for not understanding what was happening and its importance The rebuke was to get them to see their weaknesses and change JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

His Decision Matt 26:14-16 Judas decides to get money some other way Didn’t use the rebuke as intended Knows the Sanhedrin wants information on the location of Jesus Offers to sell that information Receives 30 pieces of silver (a month’s wages) May not specifically know they were going to kill Him But certainly should have known and could have asked what they had planned

HIS HYPOCRISY Jn 13 – The Last Supper Judas already the tool of Satan (v 2) as seen in Mt 26, but stays to find opportunity Jesus washes the apostles’ feet Jesus says “one is not clean” (vv 10-11) Already knows what Judas has planned, knew it from the moment Judas decided and went to the Sanhedrin Jesus lets all know He knows who the betrayer is (Jn 13:18-30) None (of the other 11) understood the immediacy of the betrayal JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

HIS HYPOCRISY As Jesus gives Judas the bread, Judas still had a choice He knows his secret is known to Jesus He could have repented Instead he lets Satan in deeper Perhaps he had been wavering in his decision Jesus had let Judas sit in an honored place (where he could share bread with Jesus) John sat in front of Jesus Judas would have been immediately behind Jesus, a place of trust and friendship Then Jesus shows He knows what Judas has planned and tells him to make his choice quickly Judas chooses to continue with the betrayal and leaves JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

HIS BETRAYAL Judas went straight to the chief priests from the Upper Room Jn 18:2 - Judas knew that the Lord would go to the Garden to pray Mt 26:47-50 Jesus still calls him, “Friend” Judas still had a chance to repent But no indication Judas felt any remorse at this time JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

HIS DEATH When the betrayal was complete, Judas’ conscience kicks in (Mt 27:3-4) Perhaps the realization that Jesus would die Remorse does not equal repentance, he was sorry things didn’t end as he planned The chief priests could not care less about Judas and his feelings (Mt 27:4) Sin brings guilt and misery He could have repented, asked God’s mercy His suicide shows that his remorse was not repentance (Mt 27:5) JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

HIS DEATH Mt 27:6-8 - The Field of Blood purchased with the wages of his iniquity Mk 14:21: "The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born." JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

THE MORAL OF HIS LIFE First lesson: Judas as a tragic example of lost opportunity Second lesson: Judas as the embodiment of wasted privilege Third lesson: The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim 6:10) Fourth lesson: Judas as an example of the ugliness and danger of spiritual betrayal Fifth lesson: Judas as proof of a patient, forbearing, good and loving Christ Sixth lesson: Judas as an example of the deceitfulness and fruitlessness of hypocrisy JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor

Conclusion Judas was an ordinary man Had expectations and ambitions like most people Even his desire for earthly goods is not unusual Jesus gave him opportunity to change his character and put God first As He did the rich young ruler (Mk 10:17-22) Judas was unwilling to let his character be molded by Jesus Therein is the essence of his failure Whatever your character if you’re willing to be transformed, you can be useful in His service If you refuse to change, then how are you different than Judas? JUDAS ISCARIOT – The Traitor