Vocabulary – Sherman Alexie
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word betray (v.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times betray, betray, betray
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. When Janethree told Jenna’s secret, she really betrayed her trust.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition Betray (verb): To hurt someone who trusts you by not giving help or by doing something morally wrong
Step 5: In simple words Betray means… to hurt someone who trusts you.
Step 6: Turn and Talk Describe how you might feel if your best friend betrayed you.
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word Grief (n.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times grief, grief, grief
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. Jairo’s was full of grief after he heard about his dog dying.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition Grief (noun): Deep sadness, caused especially by someone’s death
Step 5: In simple words Grief means… extreme sadness.
Step 6: Turn and Talk What are some things a person can do for a friend who is feeling a lot of grief?
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word mock (v.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times mock, mock, mock
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. Jack’s feelings were hurt when the other boys mocked his glasses.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition mock (verb): to laugh at or make fun of (someone or something) especially by copying an action or a way of behaving or speaking
Step 5: In simple words Mock means … to laugh at something in a mean way
Step 6: Turn and Talk
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word sacred (adj)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times sacred, sacred, sacred
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. While in India, Ms. Kamel visited many sacred temples.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition sacred (adjective): Worthy of religious worship; very holy.
Step 5: In simple words Indispensable means … holy.
Step 6: Turn and Talk What are three sacred symbols that you learned about in Global last year? (ex: cross, ॐ )
Notice! Sacred is a Spanish cognate.
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word spontaneous (adj.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times spontaneous, spontaneous, spontaneous
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. Raquel didn’t know what she was going to do on Saturday, but at the last minute, she and her friends made a spontaneous plan to go apple picking.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition spontaneous (adjective): done or said in a natural and often sudden way and without a lot of thought or planning
Step 5: In simple words Spontaneous means … last-minute or without a plan.
Step 6:Turn and Talk Describe a time when you have done something spontaneous.
Notice! Spontaneous is a Spanish cognate.
Vocabulary – Sonia Sotomayor
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word Coincidence (n.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times coincidence, coincidence, coincidence
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. Alexis and John didn’t mean to show up to the library at the same time; it was just a coincidence.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition coincidence (noun): a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected
Step 5: In simple words Coincidence means … A situation that happens by chance.
Step 6:Turn and Talk
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word relevant (adj.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times relevant, relevant, relevant
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. Cristopher could remember a lot of Geometry, but unfortunately, none of it was relevant to the test.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition relevant (adjective): Relating to a subject in an appropriate way.
Step 5: In simple words Relevant means … related.
Step 6: Turn and Talk What topics in the news are most relevant to your life?
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word explicit (adj.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times explicit, explicit, explicit
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word. I need people to be explicit when they tell me things, otherwise I don’t understand the point.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition explicit (adjective): very clear and complete : leaving no doubt about the meaning
Step 5: In simple words Explicit means… clear.
Step 6: Turn and Talk When is it most important to be explicit in your communication?
Step 1: Listen to the teacher say the word critical (adj.)
Step 2: Read the word out loud 3 times explicit, explicit, explicit
Step 3: Read along as the teacher reads a sentence with the word.
Step 4: Read and listen to the dictionary definition critical (adjective):
Step 5: In simple words Critical means…
Step 6: Turn and Talk