Strengths and Weaknesses of Spinoza’s Philosophy (Some Student Responses) Geometrical method Logical Clear definitions and axioms Effective order Hard to prove wrong View of Human Freedom Clear understanding of emotions View of pity and compassion Method for controlling emotions Resolution of Mind/Body problem Universal appeal not based on a particular faith Relevance for everyday life Geometrical method Hard to follow Confusing logic Extreme rationalism Arguments based on his own definitions (circularity?) No room for interpretation Hypothetical foundation View that a free person would avoid compassion, pity, humility, repentance Impossibility of controlling passive emotions and being a perfect being Determinism/lack of free will Mind/body understanding: mind can affect body Mysticism
Strengths and Weaknesses (My Additions) Practical personal philosophy of life “Ethics of love” Method for peace and power Holistic vision View of humans as one with nature, not superior to nature Origin of finite modes? (See E1p23&28) Determinism: No choice/responsibility? Nothing bad in the universe? Problematic view of animals (E4p37s1) Immortality of Mind? (E5p23)
Weakness and Strengths (Friedrich Nietzsche) “Not to speak of that hocus-pocus of mathematical form in which, as if in iron, Spinoza encased and masked his philosophy…so as to strike terror into the heart of any assailant which should happen to glance at that invincible maiden the Pallas Athena—how much personal timidity and vulnerability this masquerade of a sick recluse betrays.” Friedrich Niezsche See p. 92 in The Portable Nietzsche