Poet : Ashwin Parthiban
Theme : Creation creates creator
The Shilpi is a sculptor.
He concentrates at shaping a raw stone into a statue with his hammer and chisel.
Throb – sound with a strong, regular rhythm.
Staccato – a serious of short detached sounds.
Sounds come from the Shilpi’s hammer.
Cacophony is an irregular, unpleasant sound.
Tempo – the speed of any movement.
Fickle – changing often.
The Shilpi’s eyes are bleary because of hard work.
Shilpi’s sinews are tight and tough.
The Shilpi has decades of practice.
Decade- 10 years
Heirlooms are valuable properties that belong to a family for many generations.
Virgin- its natural condition is not spoiled.
Bloodshot betray deep pride and reverence.
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