Militia A body of citizens enrolled for military service but only used in an emergency Call me in case of an emergency only!
Revolution The overthrow and replacement of an established government
Repeal To revoke or annul formally or officially
Mercenary/ Mercenaries A professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army I’m for hire! For the right price, that is!
Minuteman An American militiaman during the Revolutionary War who remained ready for instant military service
Patriots A person who defends and supports his/her country. During the Revolutionary War, this was a person who supported the American cause and wanted to separate from England
Loyalists/ Tories An American colonist who stayed loyal to England during the Amer. Rev.
Boycott To abstain from dealing with or buying as a means of protest I boycott chicken because I don’t believe in eating myself. Bock bock bock….
Treason To betray one’s country, especially by acting to overthrow the government +
Hessian German mercenary Wo ist der brautwurst and der jutenherberger?
Tyranny/ Tyrannical/ Tyrant! Unrestrained use of power which is usually not justified!