R. De Vita, INFN – Genova Workshop sulle prospettive di fisica adronica a Jefferson Lab Genova, 27 Febbraio 2008 Hall A Upgrade New Multi Purpose Spectrometer(s) Flexible design (detectors reconfiguration) Reuse existing equipments: 3Tm dipole magnets from BNL Hadron PID by HERMES RICH HCalo from DUBNA/COMPASS Operation with any Hall A target Maximum luminosity of L 1038 cm -2 s -1 Very forward angles (down to 14°) Large Acceptance (relative to existing HallA HRS) Momentum Resolution of 0.5% (4-8 GeV/c) Angle Resolution 0.2 mrad
R. De Vita, INFN – Genova Workshop sulle prospettive di fisica adronica a Jefferson Lab Genova, 27 Febbraio 2008 Proton Form Factors Exp. SetUp Hall A - Multi Purpose Spectrometer
R. De Vita, INFN – Genova Workshop sulle prospettive di fisica adronica a Jefferson Lab Genova, 27 Febbraio 2008 Hall A - Multi Purpose Spectrometer Neutron Transversity Exp. SetUp
R. De Vita, INFN – Genova Workshop sulle prospettive di fisica adronica a Jefferson Lab Genova, 27 Febbraio 2008 Polarized Targets Experiments with polarized target were conducted in the three existing Halls Existing targets will be used after the 12 GeV upgrade for measurement of inclusive, semi- inclusive and exclusive reactions Hall A - 3 He gas target L/T Polarization Hall B – NH 3 / ND 3 target Hall B – Frozen Spin target Hall C – NH3 / ND3 target