The Life of Jesus (34) The Culmination of His Life In the Garden Matthew 26:30-56
They went to the Mt. of Olives In the Garden Gethsemane Logos Bible Software, Maps, Photo,
They went to the Mt. of Olives He announces all would stumble ( Matt. 26:31 ) Peter rebukes Jesus. Jesus tells Peter he will deny Him 3 times - Mk. 14:29-30 All insist they will die before denying Him. In the Garden
He arrives at the Garden of Gethsemane Matt. 26:36, Jn. 18:2 In the Garden
He takes Peter, James and John with Him to pray Matt. 26:37-46 Jesus prays 3 times – an angel comforts Him – Lk. 22:43 The disciples sleep and He warns them to watch In the Garden
He concludes His prayer ready to accept what will happen Matt. 26:40 Judas arrives with a multitude of the temple guard ( vs. 47 ) Judas kisses Jesus, betraying Him! In the Garden
Jesus steps toward the mob and identifies Himself Jn. 18:4-9 Peter cuts of the ear of Malchus, servant of the High priest ( Lk. 22:49-50, Jn. 18:10 ). Jesus heals him and tells disciples to put away their swords. ( Matt. 26:52-54 ) In the Garden
Jesus surrenders Himself to go with them, but first He rebukes them. Lk. 22:52-53 His disciples all forsook Him ( Matt. 26:56 ) In the Garden
Remember – Jesus WILLINGLY surrenders Himself – cf. Jn. 10:17-18, Heb. 12:2 – with “joy” He endured the cross Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: Loneliness – Jesus was forsaken by all. As He prayed, they slept! Are we there for the Lonely? Heb. 12:12, 1 Thess. 5:14 Will we forsake our Savior? Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: Fear and sorrow – Jesus very apprehensive. Disciples sorrowful! Lk. 22:44 How do we manage fear? 2 Tim. 1:7 Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: Betrayal – Judas, His “friend” betrays Him with an affectionate act – Matt. 26:50 Do we ever betray our Lord? Heb. 6:6, 1 Cor. 10:12 He will NEVER betray us Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: Prayer – Jesus prayed 3 times. Encouraged His disciples to pray lest they enter into temptation Matt. 26:40 Never underestimate prayer - James 5:13, 16 Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: Strength and comfort – As Jesus agonized, an angel was sent to comfort Him Lk. 22:43 Find comfort in this, as we face troubles – He is there for us! Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: Obedience – Matt. 26:39, 42, … Heb. 5:8 – If Jesus obeyed, so should we! Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: Resolve – Matt. 26:45-46 Let us learn from His example 1 Pet. 2:21-24, cf. 2 Tim. 1:12 Lessons from the Garden
In the Garden we find: True Love – There is no greater example of love than Jesus Eph. 3:19 – it surpasses understanding Lessons from the Garden
Jesus endured all this for you and me… What will we endure for Him?