Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST.


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Presentation transcript:

Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST Months of the year

Měsíce se píší v angličtině vždy s velkým počátečním písmenem. 1.JANUARY - leden 2.FEBRUARY - únor 3.MARCH - březen 4.APRIL - duben 5.MAY - květen 6.JUNE - červen 7. JULY - červenec 8. AUGUST - srpen 9. SEPTEMBER - září 10. OCTOBER - říjen 11. NOVEMBER - listopad 12. DECEMBER - prosinec

Months of the year V angličtině se měsíce používají s předložkou in. 1.v lednu – in January 2.v únoru – in February 3.v březnu – in March 4.v dubnu – in April 5.v květnu – in May 6.v červnu – in June 7. v červenci – in July 8. v srpnu – in August 9. v září – in September 10. v říjnu – in October 11. v listopadu – in November 12. v prosinci – in December

WINTER (zima) – December, January, February SPRING (jaro) – March, April, May SUMMER (léto) – June, July, August AUTUMN (podzim) – September, October, December Seasons and months

! Remember ! DAYS- on - on Monday,on Friday MONTHS- in - in January, in March SEASONS- in - in summer, in winter TIME- at - at 7 o´clock, at 2 o´clock

JANUARY January´s here! * Hooray! Happy, Happy New Year´s Day. New Year´s Day is the first day of the year. It is the 1st January. parties singing dancing fireworks

FEBRUARY February´s here! * Hooray! Happy, Happy Valentine´s Day. Saint Valentine´s day is on the 14th February. Valentine´s cards presenting flowers

MARCH March is here! * Hooray! Have a nice St. Patrick´s Day. Saint Patrick´s Day is on the 17th March – the National Day of Northen Ireland. parades wearing of the green drinking Guinness (drink of Ireland)

APRIL April´s here! * Hooray! The Easter bunny´s coming! Have a wonderful day. Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and time for giving chocolate Easter eggs.

MAY May´s here! * Hooray! Happy, Happy Mother´s Day. Mother´s day is on second Sunday in May. Thanks to Mum on Mother´s Day. M.O.T.H.E.R. M – mouth O – orchid T – tears H – hearts E – eyes R – right

JUNE June´s here! * Hooray! Happy, Happy Father´s Day. Father´s Day is on third Sunday in June – in the USA. Thanks to Dad on Father´s Day. F.A.T.H.E.R. F – fair A – absolut T – teacher H – heart E – eyes R – right

JULY July´s here! * Hooray! The Fourth of July! Have a wonderful day. Independence Day (Den nezávislosti) is on the 4th July. It is the birthday of the USA. bonfires candles red, white and blue decorations Statue of Liberty

AUGUST August´s here! * Hooray! Have a wonderful holiday! August – it´s a time for holiday! swimming reading bicycling walking

SEPTEMBER September´s here! * Hooray! Back to school! Have a wonderful day. September – start of New School Year. teacher pupils school friends

OCTOBER October´s here! * Hooray! Halloween´s coming! Have a wonderful day. Halloween is on the 31st October – one night of the year when ghosts, witches are especially active. pumpkins black cats witches ghosts skeletons

NOVEMBER November´s here! * Hooray! Have a nice Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day ( Den díkůvzdání ) is on the fourth Thursday in November. It´s a time to offer thanks family gatherings and holidays meals. turkey holiday parades giant balloons Indian corn

DECEMBER December´s here! * Hooray! Santa Claus is coming! Have a wonderful day. Christmas C – candy H – happiness R – reindeer I – icicle S – stocking T – toys M – mistletoe A – angels S – Santa

Months of the year What´s it? pumpkin, witch turkeys, Indian corn bunny, eggs stocking, reindeer swimming, walking thank you, Dad I love you! green colour, Guinness 1st January thank you, Mum Statue of Liberty Back to school!

Téma: Months of the year – I. stupeň Použitý software: držitel licence - ZŠ J. J. Ryby v Rožmitále pod Třemšínem Windows XP Professional PowerPoint Internet Literatura: Derek Strange, Chatterbox 2, Oxford University Press1989 Autor: Mgr. Eva Hocková ZŠ J. J. Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. (