Презентация Focus Secrets использовалась в качестве наглядного материала во время выступления студентки математического факультета Азаровой М. на внутривузовой конференции по английскому языку среди неязыковых специальностей.
Focus Secrets Azarova M. Supervision: Petukhova G.N.
There is a set of secrets, one must know to draw a real work of art. The central key point is the focus of the image. Focus is the centre of the work of art. Here the centre is not always understood as the geometrical centre, more often it means the most important part of the image. There is a set of secrets, one must know to draw a real work of art. The central key point is the focus of the image. Focus is the centre of the work of art. Here the centre is not always understood as the geometrical centre, more often it means the most important part of the image.
Leonardo da Vinci “Last supper” ( ) One of you will betray me…
COLOUR The human eye is involved with compatible colours.
The colour wheel Compatible colours are colours on the different parts of the colour wheel. Compatible colours are colours on the different parts of the colour wheel.
CONTRAST Contrast is one of the strongest receptions for attracting attention to the art image.
Here the contrast parts are specially allocated. They are windows. Being placed directly behind the Christ (key object), they help to allocate the Christ from the whole image.