Retail Sales Daniela Leal Andrea Morales AP Macroeconomics.


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Presentation transcript:

Retail Sales Daniela Leal Andrea Morales AP Macroeconomics

Retail Sales: o Retailing consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store or kiosk, or by post, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser. o It’s data is essential since it provides valuable information about consumer spending.

Highlights For July 2008 compared with June 2008 Total retail sales fell 0.8 %($44 million) Motor vehicle retailing sales fell 5.3% ($32 million)

ANNUAL RETAIL SALES SINCE 1999 Retail sales reports are indicators that are easy to understand and relate to the average consumer. They are a big component of GDP in the U.S. Any extended drop-offs in retail spending can trigger a recession by forcing companies to reduce prices and lowering tax-receipts.

Using Consumer Spending As A Market Indicator Using various individual retail sales figures is one of the best indicators available to predict the next five to nine months of retail economic activity. Retail sales are the backbone of our economy. The Retail Sales Data measures the amount of goods being sold each month in the United States. Is a measurement of the health of the general economy.

The Importance of Selling Creates a better standard of living for everybody. Creates jobs Reduces unemployment Keeps prices low Creates satisfaction