BACKGROUND WHITE PAPER FOR POST – SCHOOL EDUCATION ANDTRAINING Main policy objectives include:- A post – school system that can assist in building a fair, equitable, non-racial ,non-sexist and democratic South Africa; A single, coordinated post-school education and training system; Expanded access, improved quality and increased diversity of provision; A stronger and more cooperative relationship between education and training institutions and the workplace; A post-school education and training system that is responsive to the needs of individual citizens, employers in both public and private sectors, as well as the broader societal and developmental HET
AIM OF THE PROJECT Professionalise the Wholesale and Retail Sector through the establishment of Schools of Excellence. Facilitate Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Introduce, develop and successfully implement a new sector-focused faculty within the KZN Public FETs and DUT Focus on improving and strengthening relationships with the Wholesale and Retail Sector and DHET member institutions Target the rural based SMME businesses that share a common geographical footprint as the FETs and DUT Provide much needed empowerment and Upliftment for Rural Based Communities. Provide a platform for effective and efficient Public Private Partnerships, through the conceptualisation and establishment of a W&R School of Excellence HET
ROLE PLAYERS The Project is a public-private partnership between the W&RSETA, the Durban University of Technology (DUT) and the following Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges (TVETCs) in KZN: Mthashana TVET College – Nongoma Majuba TVET College – Newcastle Esayidi TVET College – Port Shepstone Thekwini TVET College – Durban HET
ROLE PLAYERS CONTINUED The following employers are participating in the project: Boxer Superstores Spar Decorland Mass discounters Masscash Check Out FG Knights HET
ROLE PLAYERS CONTINUED An Advisory Committee (ADCOM) was established which comprises of W&RSETA Staff, employers and training providers. This committee is expected to drive the initiative and commit to: Providing an environment conducive for a public/private partnership Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Professionalising the wholesale and retail sector Industry is assured of a uniform approach to delivery in all institutions, at a high level of quality, across the entire KZN geographical area HET
+ + They all provide curriculum support at all levels MUTUAL RELATIONSHIP Curriculum development of different NQF levels + + W&R SETA Industry Subject experts TVETs/ DUT Subject Specialist They all provide curriculum support at all levels Student & Lecturer Placement Funding leanerships / Materials Formal Training
MORE FOCUS ON COMMON ELEMENTS IN A PARTNERSHIP The partners The SETA Industry recruit TVETs/ HEIs To train Funding Recruitment Training Fighting Poverty / unemployment People Skills
Education And Training The World of Work W&RSETA . Education And Training The World of Work A big gap between
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the project are as follows: Capacitation of lecturers Learning Material Development Infrastructure Development Alignment of TVET College programmes to sector and industry needs and the development of programmes to meet the needs of the sector Facilitate learning progression from TVET College to University studies Career guidance HET
PROJECT OUTCOMES The anticipated outcomes of the project are as follows: Readily available database of qualified learners in the sector Capacitated lecturers Career guidance services Placement of learners in the sector Fully furnished Centres in the 4 TVETCs and DUT HET
DEV OF MATERIAL IN COLLABORATION WITH INDUSTRY Three W&R qualifications are being developed currently At NQF Level 3,4 and 5 These qualifications are developed by a team of : Subject experts from Industry Process led by a team from DUT TVET College lecturers
PROGRESS CONTINUED TVET College Infrastructure Infrastructure improvements and developments are underway to ensure that the TVETCs are prepared for implementation of the programmes (including classrooms and practicum rooms). Capacitation of Lecturers Placement of TVETC Lecturers at various participating stakeholder sites is underway. The capacitation is meant to expose lecturers to the wholesale and retail environment and to ensure the transfer of skills from industry specialist subject matter experts to the lecturers thus preparing them for the development and delivery of wholesale and retail programmes. HET
“ He who opens a school door closes a prison” Victor Hugo” “ When Educating the minds of the youth we must not forget to educate their hearts” Dalai Lama; “The root of Education is bitter but the fruit is sweet” Aristotle THANK YOU HET