Data Analysis & Customer Insights -Ayush Singh
Data Overview Key Questions 2012 to 2013 Yearly Sales & Profit Region Affected: West Product Category: West Sales- Customer Segment Wise: West Customer Segment-Product Category Outlier Analysis Outlier Sales without Outlier Recommendations 2
Data TypeLine Level Data Total Customer Ids2,703 Orders6,455 Product CategoriesFurniture, Technology, Office Supplies Customer SegmentsConsumer, Corporate, Home Office, Small Business Sales$ 8,951,931 Date Range :
Why did the sales in West not grow as much as other regions? Which customer segment/ product category is being impacted the most? How do we accelerate sales growth in the West? 4
1. The Overall Sales in the Central, East and South regions saw a noticeable increase except in West region.Sales 2. Whereas the Profit in the West dropped drastically, but Central, East and South saw an increase in the profits.Profit 3. Drilling down into the West Region, the Average Bill Value went drastically down in the year 2013.Average Bill Value 4. Doing further Analysis in the Product Category of West, Furniture Category showed a tremendous decrease in the ABV. Furniture 5. Further in customer segment (West), Sales in the Corporate segment dropped almost to half of the value.Corporate 5
6 6. Combining the Product Category & Customer Segments, in spite of the increase in the orders, the Sales & Profit dropped tremendously for the combination of Corporate-Furniture.Corporate-Furniture 7. Also, the ABV for Corporate-Furniture dropped drastically in 2013.ABV 8. Considering the Sales for the West-Furniture, a sudden increase was observed in Nov 2012.West-Furniture 9. Doing a deeper analysis, it was found that a customer named Gordon Brandt made an exceptional purchase of $113,180 on 19 th Nov, due to which the ABV shot up in the year Gordon Brandt 10. Considering such an exceptional purchase as an Outlier, the overall sales trend of West showed a significant growth from the year without considering the outlier sales.without considering the outlier sales 11. Hence, the Recommendations.Recommendations
As per the data, we can see a considerable growth in the Sales of Central, East & South regions Sales in the west didn’t grow as expected from 2012 to 2013 Similarly, we see that the yearly profit increased considerably from 2012 to 2013 But, profit in the west dropped drastically in
In spite of increase in the orders, the Average Bill Value went drastically down in A gradual decrease in the ABV could be due to purchase of low value products or decrease in demand of a particular product category. 8
The yearly Average Bill value for the various product category:- Technology: Slight increase in the ABV is observed Furniture: the most affected category, for which the ABV dropped tremendously. 9
The sales in the Corporate segment in the year 2013 dropped almost to half of the value to that in the year A slight increase in the sales was observed in the Consumer segment Whereas, we saw a marginal decrease in the sales of the segments- Home Office & Furniture. 11
Previous Slide shows a drop in the Sales in the Furniture category of Corporate Segment from 2012 to We also see a Tremendous drop in ABV of the same segments from 2012 to 2013, which could be again due to ◦ sudden drop in the number of orders or sales or both ◦ Or, if some high value products are purchased or large orders in the year 2012 ◦ Or, can be due to purchase of low value products in the year
A peak rise in sales is observed in Nov – 12 due to which the overall ABV for the year has increased Sale of $100k on 19 Nov resulted in such an increase in overall ABV for the WEST region in
A sudden shopping in November,2012 by the Customer named Gordon Brandt took place and no such further shopping took place in the year
By targeting the Corporate Customers for Furniture Segment through:- ◦ Specific Product Base Campaigns ◦ Discounts, Promotional Offers, Cross-selling, Up Selling. ◦ Advertisements As Furniture are a long-lasting product, hence retaining customers is important which can be done through:- ◦ Regular Feedback ◦ Customer Service Management ◦ Promotional Offers 18