ASQA Update – where are we now? 5 April 2013 Presenter: Tessa Bachmayer
ASQA Australian Skills Quality Authority National VET Regulator Audits of RTOs 2
Sydney Institute’s registration as an RTO expires on the 31 st of August ASQA will be auditing us for re- registration. 3
Our strategic approach Conforming to all regulatory standards with an “End to End Process” focus. 4 Pre - enrolment Enrolment Orientation & Induction STAGE 1 Training & Assessment Support Services Certification STAGE 2 Feedback & Evaluation Continuous Improvement Internal Audits & Quality Assurance STAGE 3
ASQA Roadmap 5 1 CORRECT PROCEDURES, POLICIES, TEMPLATES ON QMS 2 APPROPRIATE EVIDENCE AND OUTCOMES RELATED TO PROCESSES 3 REPOSITORIES FOR FACULTIES TO STORE AND SEARCH AND RETRIEVE EVIDENCE 4 COMMUNICATION AND TRAINING FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS 5 REVIEWING OF PRACTICE - INTERNAL AUDIT HEALTH CHECKS 6 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Various procedures reviewed, new created, templates of critical docs e.g. TAS, SAG, Health Check placed on SydNet Exemplars and Guidelines created to assist in interpreting and appropriate use of the documents A dedicated Faculty Teamshare structure and repository created for storing TAS and related critical documents Developments being communicated by , roadshows, workshops and through the Teachers Compliance Toolkit page A comprehensive Internal Health Check has been conducted by Faculties. Internal Audits to commence in May Appropriate QA measures are applied based on the review. Continuous Improvement activities are implemented and recorded.
Where are we now? Educational: ensuring all faculties and teaching sections have appropriate processes in place and records of all training, assessment and related activities available for ASQA audit - health checks Training needs Non- educational: Marketing Online courses International agreements Records Student Services Communication channels: Phone, , workshops, intranet …. 6