Retail Banking SALES PROCESS 1. Swot Analysis 2. Analyse Figures Past Present Future 3. Sales Forecasting 4. Prospecting 5. Meeting / Presentation 6. Negotiate – Seal The Deal 7. Build The Relationship
Underlying Message The Underlying Message That Bank Bosses Want To Get Across Is That Sales Is a Science – With specific skills and processes that lead to success.
Key Characteristics / Elements Psychology Perception Emotional Intelligence Characteristics of the Successful Sales People / Leaders
Retail Banking Sales Course Overview Understanding Your Company Vision Reasons Behind The Vision The Present Status How To Realise The Vision Your Vision of Your Company * the reality
Your Company’s Mission Understanding Your Company’s Mission - What is the mission? - Why is it important? - How can it be achieved? - Is There Anyone Else With A Similar Mission? What Is Your Company’s Focus? How Is It tied to The Mission? Your Mission Oriented Goals - Company - Personal Is There A Link?
Swot Analysis Product and Services Five Main Competitors
Analysing The Figures Assessing and Analysing Past, Present and future results - Bank - Market Needs - Market Trends - Your Bank’s Market Share - Personal Results
Sales Forecasting In the other set of slides Note – Includes – Research, Monitoring Systems, Cold Calling, Referrals, Networking
Prospecting The more you know about your prospects, the more likely you are to get a positive result The depth of research – depend on - value of the sale - long term value of customer - research relating to other companies within the sector. Remember – people buy for emotional reasons. - Mostly avoid or rid themselves of pain
Research You are looking for the following information; - general problems that companies in the general sector you are selling to will be experiencing and that you have been able to solve for similar companies - general problems that companies in the specific sector you are selling to will be experiencing and that you have been able to solve for similar companies in the past - Specific problems that companies in the general sector you are selling to will be experiencing and that you have been able to solve for similar companies in the past You are also looking for areas of new opportunities for your prospects
Tools - The internet - Company websites - Company brochures - Your competitors brochures - Clients that are your friend – fact finding
Monitoring System ‘I don’t care what system you use, just so long as you have a system’ Zig Ziglar Note – You Must Have A Tracking / Measuring System
CRM System To Keep track of your prospect ; - contact details - details of their business - key people around them - current status - next action point - time and date of next action point Note – must have this for both prospects and also current clients Easiest way to get new business – from current clients
Results Monitor System Results Monitor systems are not as extensive or sophisticated as CRM. But they can produce extraordinary results - enables you to measure your call effectiveness - assess improvements - assess results e.g. - It took two dials to get an answer from anyone to the calls made - It took four dials to get through to a decision maker’s PA or secretary - It took three conversations with a PA or secretary to get put through to a decision maker - It took five conversations with a decision maker to get an appointment to see one of them
Communication Skills Level One Level Two Use ALL Communication skills material from the other slides – including DISC
Presentation Skills Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses Learn to Maximise Your Strengths How To Use Your Strengths Building Confidence To Hold The Floor Listen With Both Eyes and Ears Know Your Audiance
Negotiation Skills The most effective negotiations are those that result in a win / win – for both parties Remember – aim of any company is repeat business / transactions Focus on the long term
NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES Different negotiation Styles and strategies Importance cross cultures Effective negotiators Bargaining zones Relationships Reciprocity LIM
Building Client Relationships “A sale is only a TRUE a sale when you gain repeat business or a recommendation from the client” WHY is relationship-building important? HOW does one build solid, long-lasting relationships?
The Building Blocks How does one build solid, long lasting relationships? Gain a client's trust and you are a step closer to gaining repeat business. Care about your product; Care about your client. They will notice! Know your client as intimately as possible. Relationship building relies on knowledge to be successful. Demonstrate integrity in all dealings with clients. Earn yourself a reputation! HONESTY KNOWLEDG E TRUSTCARE
Tracking Tracking Your Results / value added of service and client satisfaction Service Clients Financial Returns for Your Clients Financial Returns For Your Bank Financial Returns For You Market – Trends and Competitors