Zaka SUPER SEEDS VISION AND MANAGEMENT The vision is to supply quality seeds country wide and to improve community living standards Zaka Super Seeds is managed by an APEX commitee which is made up with ward representatives (12) Ward committees have been eleceted
Crops grown,Expected Sales and Retail Prices Hecterage Expected Sales Retail Prices-USD Gross Income-USD Cowpea (CBC2 &CBC3) 11.75 4.5t 1.00 4500 Rice (Nerica 3 &7) 5.25 4.5 t 0.95 4275 Maize OPVs (zm 309,401 &721) 13.00 14 t 1.20 16800 Sugar Beans (Gloria & NUA) 10.00 10t 2.00 20 000 Totals 40.00 33t 45 575
Marketing Strategy Zaka Super Super Seeds has several strategies that include: Agro-Dealers have signed MOUs to market seed at a commission in all the wards in the district Seed Fairs are organized in cluster wards and other competing companies are invited The APEX Committees sell the seed on behalf of the association
Warehousing,Processing and Bagging The Warehouse at Fuve Irrigation Scheme has been rehabilitated by HaSSP The Enterprise has been supported with Processing equipment As seed is delivered, samples are taken for purity and germination tests A satellite laboratory has been set up at the warehouse with help from the Seed Services
Processing continued- 17 farmers trained to conduct purity and germination tests Germination, minimum prescribed, for example, maize is 90%, farmer payments are processed All seed received was fumigated with gastoxin tablets for 7 days to control weevil infestation
Inspections and Reports Conducted by Seed Services Two inspections are conducted for each crop Flowering Maturity Field Inspection Reports issued
Revolving Fund The project has set up a revolving fund for Zaka Super Seeds to pay the seed farmers Funds generated sfter selling seed are retained in this account Funds are not spent as long as they are not profits Good management of funds will ensure sustainability in the absence of funding from HaSSP and the Seeds and Market projects The Zaka Super Seeds Finance Committe is in the process of coming up with a Financial Procedures manual
Challenges Zaka Super Seeds is new on the market and not well known country wide The Enterprise lacks funding to employ a management committee and most of the work is done by the APEX committee on voluntary basis The shareholding of the companyis still to be worked out
WAY FORWARD and BENEFITS for FARMERS Knowledge base for farmers in all aspects Business acumen enhanced Excess seed Quick and timely access to seed Export and regional trade Incomes and livelihoods enhanced for farmers Harmonisation implemented
Thank you