7-Eleven Japan Venturing into e-Tailing Jolie Presented by: Angela Copeland Claire Kao Jolie McCuistion Sarah Todnem Sabrina Yuan
Activity Remove shoes Questionnaire Snacks Whistle Claire = shoes Angie = questionnaire Sabrina = snacks
Facts 7-Eleven is the largest chain stores in convenience retailing industry. Approximately 26,000 7-Eleven franchise stores are operating worldwide, generated total sales of more than $36 billion in 2003 Claire
Facts Number of Stores: 10,389 Claire 5,791
Japan vs. China Similarities Differences Religion Confucius Sensitive History Concentration and Development Government Policies Sabrina
Japan vs. China Similarities Differences High market demand Low confidence in online payment Telecom hurdles Outmoded shopping concepts Differences Bottom up vs. Top-down Level of IT diffusion
Activity Join Your Team For Some Fun! Jolie
Japan vs. United States Similarities Differences Developed Countries GDP Differences Individualist Culture Cash vs. Credit Technology eCommerce Trust Angie – personal story about rent
Japan vs. United States
Japan vs. United States
U.S. Centric Thinking eCommerce eBay No Human Contact Trust Jolie
Bridging the Gap Technology Culture sarah
Bridging the Gap Strategies Use existing distribution system Creating new market Low cost to consumer Convenience Is plan Short Sighted? Sarah
Bridging the Gap Moving in a new direction Cash Payments Human Contact Sarah
Bridging the Gap Examples AOL ??? Angie DVD players, vonage, Windows platform Will the 7dream.com implement change in the culture? How do you feel about the cash based society? Use the markers to write down class suggestions for companies.
Unique use of existing technology applied to culture. Conclusion Unique use of existing technology applied to culture. Jolie
45 minutes total ----------------- 7 minutes - discuss wistle at beginning (jolie) - introduce team mates - remove shoes - questionnaire - snacks 5 minutes - facts (claire) - china vs. japan (sabrina) - us vs japan (angie) 5 minutes (jolie) - us centric culture 5 minutes (sarah) - bridging the gap 5 minutes (angie) - briding the gap examples (aol - use pen) (backup ideas - If extra time, backup questions: (angie) - How do you feel about Japan being a cash based society? - Do you feel 7dream.com will have an impact on the Japanese culture? 1 minute (jolie) - conclusion statement