Counting Money & Making Change By Mrs. Wade
One cent Five cents Ten cents Nickel Identify coins Penny Dime
Identify coins Quarter Half-dollar Dollar Twenty-five cents Fifty cents One hundred cents
Symbols used with money oUsed with amounts less than one dollar o Used with amounts more and less than one dollar ¢ $
Let’s practice counting! Six cents Written as: 6¢ or $0.06
Let’s practice counting! Equals : Six pennies One nickel and one penny
Let’s practice counting! Eleven cents 11¢ Two nickels and one penny or
What coins equal eleven cents? Eleven pennies One dime and one penny
Let’s count some different coins! One half- dollar $0.50 Equals Two quarters Five dimes
... and Ten nickels Equals $0.50 Think... How many pennies equals 50¢? 50 you say? GREAT!!!
What is the fewest number of coins that equal $0.50? Just one, as long as it is a half-dollar coin.
What is the fewest number of coins that equal $1.00? Just one, as long as it is a dollar coin.
Four of which coin equals one dollar? HINT: Think football game time periods. Quarter, there are four quarters in a dollar and four quarters(time periods) in a football game.
Brain teaser The pencil costs $0.25 and the eraser costs 10¢. How much money will you spend? What coins will the salesperson give you in change? How much change will you get back? You have this much money. You want to buy a pencil and an eraser. Work this in your head or on scratch paper.
Credits Penny Photo Nickel Photo Dime Photo Quarter Photo Half Dollar Photo Dollar Photo