Delivering the Speech
Delivering a speech zQualities of Effective Delivery zThe Voice in Delivery zFace, Eyes, and Body in Delivery zDoes Delivery Really Make a Difference?*
Qualities of Effective Delivery zEffective Delivery is Natural zEffective Delivery is Enthusiastic zEffective Delivery is Confident zEffective Delivery is Direct*
Qualities of Effective Delivery: Effective Delivery is Natural zAccording to contemporary scholars, planning and executing the delivery of a speech is much the same as engaging in particularly important conversation.*
Qualities of Effective Delivery: Effective Delivery is Enthusiastic zWhen you talk about something that excites you, you are naturally enthusiastic. ytalk more rapidly yuse more gestures ylook more at your listeners yuse more pronounced facial expressions ystand closer to listeners yfocus audience’s attention on the message*
Qualities of Effective Delivery: Effective Delivery is Confident zConfidence enhances delivery and causes speeches to be viewed more positively. zConfident delivery directs audience’s attention to the message and away from the speaker’s behavior*
Qualities of Effective Delivery: Effective Delivery is Direct zConnect personally with the audience by building rapport ymake the message relevant to the interests and attitudes of the audience ydemonstrate interest and concern for audience*
Qualities of Effective Delivery: Effective Delivery is Direct zWays to establish a direct connection with listeners: ymaintain eye contact yuse a friendly tone of voice yanimate facial expressions yposition yourself close to the audience*
Delivering a speech zQualities of Effective Delivery zThe Voice in Delivery zFace, Eyes, and Body in Delivery zDoes Delivery Really Make a Difference?*
The Voice in Delivery zVolume zPitch zRate zPauses zVocal Variety zPronunciation and Articulation*
Practice zRed leather, yellow leather zStart slow and go faster zPen in mouth while practicing speech
The Voice in Delivery: Volume zThe relative loudness of a speaker’s voice while giving a speech. zLoudness depends on: ysize of room/number of persons yavailability of a microphone ybackground noise*
The Voice in Delivery: Pitch zThe range of sounds from high to low. zIt powerfully affects the meaning associated with spoken words. yconveys mood yreveals level of enthusiasm yexpresses concern for the audience ysignals your overall commitment to the occasion*
The Voice in Delivery: Rate zthe most effective way to hold an audience’s attention and convey the meaning of your speech. zspeaking rate- the speed with which a speaker talks*
The Voice in Delivery: Pauses zPauses are important strategic elements of a speech that enhance meaning by providing: ya type of punctuation yemphasis of a point yattention to a key point ya moment for listeners to contemplate what is being said*
The Voice in Delivery: Vocal Variety zthe varied use of multiple vocal cues to achieve effective delivery.*
The Voice in Delivery: Pronunciation and Articulation zpronunciation- the correct formation of word sounds. zarticulation- saying words with clarity and forcefulness so they are individually audible and discernible. zVocal Delivery and Culture yevery culture has subcultural variations on the preferred pronunciations and articulations of its language.*
Delivering a speech zQualities of Effective Delivery zThe Voice in Delivery zFace, Eyes, and Body in Delivery zDoes Delivery Really Make a Difference?*
Face, Eyes, and Body in Delivery zFacial and Eye Behavior zGestures and Body Movement zDress and Objects*
Face, Eyes, and Body in Delivery: Facial and Eye Behavior zFacial Expressions Convey Emotion. zSmile and the World Smiles with You ya sign of mutual welcome at the start of a speech. zThe Eyes Have It yscanning- moving from one listener to another. ymaintaining eye contact is mandatory for rapport.*
Face, Eyes, and Body in Delivery: Gestures and Body Movement zWhere to Put ‘Em yuse gestures to fill in meaning gaps in the same manner as you would in everyday conversation.*
Face, Eyes, and Body in Delivery: Gestures and Body Movement zBody Movement and Presentation Aids ypositioning your body so that it is oriented toward the audience is critical, especially when using visual aids.*
Face, Eyes, and Body in Delivery: Gestures and Body Movement zListeners’ Body Language yaudience members’ body language sends positive and negative signals back to the speaker.*
Face, Eyes, and Body in Delivery: Dress and Objects zThe first thing an audience is likely to notice as you approach the speaker’s position is your clothing. zCritical criteria for determining appropriate attire for a speech are: yaudience expectations ynature of the speech occasion*
Delivering a speech zQualities of Effective Delivery zThe Voice in Delivery zFace, Eyes, and Body in Delivery zDoes Delivery Really Make a Difference?*
Does Delivery Really Make a Difference? zDelivery does affect attitude change in persuasive speeches. zDelivery does affect audience comprehension of speeches. zDelivery does affect audience perception of speaker ethos (trustworthiness and character).*
Methods of Delivery zSpeaking from a Manuscript zSpeaking from Memory zSpeaking Impromptu zSpeaking Extemporaneously zUsing a Delivery Outline*
Methods of Delivery: Speaking from a Manuscript zreading the speech from prepared written text that contains the entire speech, word for word.*
Methods of Delivery: Speaking from Memory zOratory yancient public speaking in which speeches were fully committed to memory. ynot a natural way to present a message.*
Methods of Delivery: Speaking Impromptu zdelivering a speech without prior preparation.*
Methods of Delivery: Speaking Extemporaneously zRules for using an outline: yinclude only key words ykeep it to a minimum ybe prepared on small note cards ydo not use note cards in hand gestures yattempts to conceal notes should not be a distraction*