A Path to School Transformation and Excellence October, 2011
Students in schools of character feel safe, respected, and connected to those around them, allowing them to thrive academically and socially and be motivated to give back to their communities. 2 Positive results: A cademics B ehavior C ulture/climate
CEP’s State and National Schools of Character program offers K-12 public, private, and charter schools and districts across the U.S. a path to school improvement and excellence through high-quality character education. When schools engage in the schools of character process and seek to implement CEP’s framework for success (11 Principles), they: Bring stakeholders together to identify a common set of core values and a unite around a common purpose Go through a process of reflection and self-assessment that helps the school community identify strengths and next steps Receive free professional feedback on their programs as well as suggestions for growth 3
NSOC NSOC 2011 and beyond Awards programSchool improvement process 3+ years of character edNo eligibility requirements CompetitiveNon-competitive Approx. 20 diverse FinalistsAll who meet the standard Approx. 10 distinctive modelsAll who meet the standard Quality StandardsRevised 11 Principles All Finalists receive site visitsSite visits not required for all Blue Ribbon PanelNational evaluation process “Winners”“National Schools of Character” One time awardRe-apply after 5 years
The organizations that sponsor the SSOC program differ in each state. State coordinators serve as the point of contact for the sponsoring organization or group of partner organizations within each state. 5
6 Initial Review of Applications (“Round One”) (December – early January) State coordinators lead the evaluation and scoring of all applications from their states. Previous SSOC that were not named NSOC are validated by the state coordinator and forwarded to CEP. New applications with scores that meet the standard are named State Schools of Character for a period of 3 years and forwarded to CEP for consideration as NSOC. CEP reviews applications from states without affiliates.
7 National Review of SSOC Applications and Selection of National Finalists (“Round Two”) (early January – February) CEP national screeners review and score applications that received scores that met the standard in the first round of screening. Those that meet the standard when scored by the national screeners are named National Finalists. Finalists are announced (March 1) and informed about the next stage in the process.
8 National Evaluation and Validation of Finalists’ Applications (March – April) Finalists are assigned a National Evaluator and asked to respond to follow-up questions. National Evaluators review applications and all available sources of validation and may visit site. National Evaluators make recommendations to CEP in written reports.
9 Selection and Announcement of NSOC (early May) CEP staff review the reports of the National Evaluators and determine NSOC (may convene review panel). CEP invites state coordinators to inform the NSOC winners. CEP posts winners on the CEP website.
10 Feedback for All Applicants (January – June) Those that did not go on to the national level screening will receive composite score sheets with strengths and areas for growth from their state coordinators (or CEP). Those that went on to the national level screening but were not named National Finalists will receive composite score sheets with strengths and areas for growth from CEP. All National Finalists receive National Evaluation reports from CEP. (State coordinators are copied.)
11 Both SSOC and NSOC are expected to serve as models to others. NSOC outreach menu of options: Contributing to profile on the CEP website and in the NSOC book Creating a short video to be posted on the CEP website Posting lesson plans and other best practices on CEP website Leading breakout session or hot topic at CEP’s National Forum Conducting outreach session, workshop, conference, or in- service in home state or district Developing a mentoring relationship with another school or district Contributing to CEP online community: CEP blog, Facebook, Twitter, electronic newsletter, and/or webinars
The new application will not differ greatly from the 2011 application... EXCEPT that all information will be entered online at The application will be open in October. The deadline is December 1,
13 What the application will look like: 2012 COMPOSITION: Basic contact and demographic information Overview: brief overview of school and CE journey; quote from principal; photo Implementation of 11 Principles: 1 page of narrative per principle plus 1 page of portfolio evidence per principle (more for Principles 3 & 11; more for districts) Self-assessment scores; information about changes made since last application CHANGES FROM 2011: Cover Sheet: No longer printed separately by applicant – now part of online application Narrative Length: Applicant no longer chooses proportion of text and artifacts – character limits are given for each response Placement of Artifacts: Can no longer be inserted within narrative; must be uploaded separately after each Principle 11 Principles Self-Assessment: No longer printed separately by applicant -- now entered online NOTE: Applicants will no longer “send” applications to their state or CEP.
15 The 11 Principles as the Scoring Rubri c Principle #1: The school community promotes core ethical and performance values as the foundation of good character. Each Principle has 2 to 4 numbered Scoring Items. 1.1 Stakeholders in the school community select or assent to a set of core values Key Indicators of exemplary implementation: A highly inclusive representative group of stakeholders (professional and other staff, parents, students, and community members) have had input into or at least assented to the school’s core ethical and performance values. If the district selected the values or if the values have been in place for some time, current stakeholders have been involved in ongoing reflection on the values. Staff understand how and why the school selected its core values. Each Scoring Item lists:
“Applicant Tips” will be available to applicants during the online process. Narrative tips will give applicants questions drawn from the key indicators to consider – in order to help applicants determine if they have addressed all the key indicators. Evidence tips will give applicants examples of supporting evidence they might include for each of the Principles. 16
17 Promotes core ethical and performance values 1.1: Stakeholders select core values 1.2: Core values guide everything 1.3: Core values are visible NEW in 2010 Revision: Observable behaviors moved from 1.2 to is now about core values guiding all (common language, staff ownership, hiring) Principle 1
18 Defines “character” comprehensively to include thinking, feeling, and doing. 2.1: Thinking (understanding) 2.2: Feeling (reflection, appreciation) 2.3: Doing (behavior, students practice) NEW: Principle 2 was simply clarified and specific examples were added. Principle 2
19 Uses a comprehensive, intentional, and proactive approach 3.1: Intentional at all grade levels 3.2: Integrated into academic content 3.3: Integrated into classroom routines 3.4: Integrated throughout total program NEW: 3.1: Should have a CE plan 3.2: Can demonstrate integration with lessons 3.3: Academic integrity added 3.4: Artifacts should demonstrate Principle 3
20 Creates a caring community. 4.1: Student – staff relationships 4.2: Student – student relationships 4.3: Peer cruelty prevention 4.4: Adult relationships NEW: 4.3 is stronger: students report bullying is infrequent, all students participate in programs 4.4: Applies to all adults, including parents Principle 4
21 Provides students with opportunities for moral action. 5.1: Clear expectations 5.2: Moral action within school 5.3: Moral action in community NEW: Overall: Moral action is more broadly defined and service learning is clearly defined and expected 5.1: Artifacts demonstrate expectations; moral action includes conflict resolution, academic integrity, sportsmanship; school has service learning expectations 5.2: Service tied to curriculum and core values 5.3: All students given opportunities and time to identify community needs and plan projects; service tied to curriculum and core values Principle 5
22 Offers a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that respects all learners 6.1: Challenging curriculum 6.2: Meeting student needs 6.3: Performance character NEW: 6.1: Students are challenged and have voice and choice 6.2: Teachers identify needs and differentiate; schools work to close achievement gap 6.3: Performance character clarified; academic integrity added Principle 6
23 Fosters students’ self-motivation 7.1: Motivation and rewards 7.2: Behavior management and discipline NEW: Old 7.1 is gone and folded into 7.2, creating a new 7.1 and now focuses on intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation and use of material rewards and more clearly explains expected outcomes 7.2 now focuses on behavior management and discipline, academic integrity added Principle 7
24 Staff is an ethical learning community that adheres to core values 8.1: Staff modeling 8.2: Staff development 8.3: Staff planning and reflection NEW: Old 8.1 and 8.2 were switched so that staff modeling now comes first 8.2: Ethical learning community created through staff development Principle 8
25 Fosters shared leadership 9.1: Leaders champion effort 9.2: Leadership group plans 9.3: Student leadership NEW: Clarified overall Must be able to show artifacts Principle 9
26 Engages families and community members as partners 10.1: Engages families 10.2: Communicates with families 10:3: Involves community NEW: Clarified overall 10.2: Survey parents Principle 10
27 Assesses school culture/climate, staff’s functioning, and students’ character 11.1: Assesses culture/climate 11.2: Staff report on progress 11.3: Assesses student progress / behavior NEW: 11.1: New emphasis on culture/climate, ethical learning community, and using data to make changes 11.2: More concrete examples of reflection given 11.3: Changes attributed to data collected Principle 11
28 Information requested of National Finalists ACADEMICS: State test scores, achievement gap, other evidence of academic achievement (grades, failures, honor roll, etc.) STUDENT BEHAVIOR: Attendance, suspensions, referrals, involvement in service learning, graduation / dropout rates CULTURE/CLIMATE: Climate survey results that show: bullying rare / students feel safe students respect each other students and teachers respect each other adults respect each other Hint: Include this kind of evidence in your application. Hint: Include this kind of evidence in your application.
29 SSOC serve as models within the state and are available for mentoring. SSOC automatically become nominees for the NSOC award. Beginning in 2011, SSOC hold their status for three years. During those three years, SSOC are eligible for national review. SSOC sponsors will do a quick review and forward to CEP. SSOC sponsors provide technical assistance and feedback to applicants and/or refer them to CEP resources.. Guidelines for State Schools of Character
30 QUESTIONS? Character Education Partnership, 2011 ©