Secondary Payloads Overview George Norris NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Background NASA has taken steps to increase the scientific and exploration capability of SLS by providing accommodations for Cubesat Class payloads on EM-1 Requirements for Secondary Payload Accommodations on Exploration Missions were approved January 2014 Large support base for this capability across the agency, government and the international community NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) will provide unprecedented capability to further advances in science and exploration. The capability to deploy small satellites allows SLS to fully utilize excess capability on the planned exploration missions. With the planned mission trajectories, cubesat payload developers will have an opportunity to operate in deep space, a capability not realized to this point. Thank the audience and organizers. There should be time for questions and answers.
SLS Configuration Orion: Carries astronauts into deep space Stage Adapter: The Orion MPCV Stage Adapter will be the first new SLS hardware to fly. Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage: Based on the Delta IV Heavy upper stage; the power to leave Earth Core Stage: Newly developed for SLS, the Core Stage towers more than 200 feet tall 1) The Block 1 SLS leverages heritage hardware and technology to support affordable development and reduce risk. 2) The SLS Program is finding ways to upgrade those systems to improve performance. 3) SLS is designed with an approach that will enable evolution into the most powerful launch vehicle ever flown. Solid Rocket Boosters: Built on Space Shuttle hardware; more powerful for a new era of exploration RS-25 Engines: Space Shuttle engines for the first four flights are already in inventory
SLS Configuration MSA Diaphragm MPCV Stage Adapter (MSA) Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS) Launch Vehicle Adapter (LVSA) Core Stage
SLS Secondary Payload Accommodations Eleven 6U/12U payload locations 6U volume/mass is the current standard (14 kg payload mass) Payloads will be “powered off” from turnover through Orion separation and payload deployment Payload Deployment System Sequencer; payload deployment will begin with pre-loaded sequence following MPCV separation and ICPS disposal burn Payload requirements captured in Interface Definition and Requirements Document ~56° ~22° ~21° ~Ø156” ~8° 6U mass of 14kg with expected deployer 5
SLS Secondary Payload Accommodations Payloads will provide deployers per NASA provided specifications No resources or telemetry provided by launch vehicle once installed State vector data at deployment will be provided to ground operators for predictions Payloads responsible for acquiring communication and telemetry bandwidth The MPCV-to-Stage Adapter produced at MSFC will fly with Orion on EFT-1 next year. Drove design of brackets and available resources Trickle charge may be available while in VAB and access to MSA is available
Secondary Payload Deployment System (SPDS)
Selected Deployer 6U (PSC) Deployer is COTS w/modifications COTS Features Externally accessible separation connector Redundant signal for door activation Accommodates 14 kg payloads Spring jettison rate of 4.6 ft/sec Access for battery charging, once integrated No pyrotechnic devices Existing GSE attachment/handling points External conductive surface, chassis grounding Modifications Addition of captive fasteners for mounting Possible addition of vibration isolators Possible addition of thermal blanket Note: Last two modifications are payload driven based on their designs.
Payload Deployment EM-1 launch window is typically 7 days each Month Lunar Transfer Time varies within the launch window but has a 3.5 to 8.5 day bound. The provided state is in the middle of the launch window and ~ 6 days. Payload deployment window starts approx L+4.5 hours Allows time for safe distance after Orion separation, disposal manuevers including transverse spin, ICPS blow down All payloads must be deployed prior to the expiration of the sequencer battery life. No TLM will be available through the ICPS system May choose to cluster ejections for some instruments while others may be deployed at variable intervals.
Mission Integration SLS Secondary Payload Mission Integration Team will be responsible for end-to-end integration and coordination between SLS Vehicle and secondary payloads MI Function will integrate all phases of the lifecycle including Engineering Integration, Operations Integration, S&MA, and Ground Processing Payloads will be assigned a Secondary Payload Integration Manager (SPIM) to guide payload through integration lifecycle SPIM will develop ICD’s to capture mission-specific, payload-specific requirements and verification plan MI team will CoFR integrated payload complement to SLS/SPIE to facilitate ISPE CoFR and verification NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) will provide unprecedented capability to further advances in science and exploration. The capability to deploy small satellites allows SLS to fully utilize excess capability on the planned exploration missions. With the planned mission trajectories, cubesat payload developers will have an opportunity to operate in deep space, a capability not realized to this point. Thank the audience and organizers. There should be time for questions and answers.
Secondary Payloads Concept of Operations ICD developed for each payload detailing interface and safety requirements and applicable verification requirements Phased Safety Reviews conducted Phase 0/I (at PDR level design maturity) Phase II (at CDR level design maturity) Phase III (prior to payload delivery to KSC) Cubesat integrated into dispenser and final testing performed Final verifications complete Integrated Payload (dispenser/cubesat) delivered to NASA Payload Integrated in MSA Final Battery charging prior to first rollout to pad
Secondary Payloads Key Documentation Secondary Payloads User’s Guide General capabilities, interfaces and processes Publicly Releasable SLS EM-1 Safety Requirements for Secondary Payloads Safety Requirements for EM-1 MSA Secondary Payloads SLS EM-1 PSRP Process Document Defines Phased Review approach Outlines Safety Panel details Increment Definition and Requirements Document Direct requirements flow down, interface requirements, safety requirements Generic Payload Verification Plan included Controlled Document
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) will provide unprecedented capability to further advances in science and exploration. Questions? NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) will provide unprecedented capability to further advances in science and exploration. The capability to deploy small satellites allows SLS to fully utilize excess capability on the planned exploration missions. With the planned mission trajectories, cubesat payload developers will have an opportunity to operate in deep space, a capability not realized to this point. Thank the audience and organizers. There should be time for questions and answers.
BACKUP Thank the audience and organizers. NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) will provide unprecedented capability to further advances in science and exploration. The capability to deploy small satellites allows SLS to fully utilize excess capability on the planned exploration missions. With the planned mission trajectories, cubesat payload developers will have an opportunity to operate in deep space, a capability not realized to this point. Thank the audience and organizers. There should be time for questions and answers.
Orient for Disposal Maneuver, minutes long EM-1 DRO Trajectory and Timeline Plan Time End of TLI burn. T-0-3Hrs Grd launch window up to 2 Hrs long (depends on launch day in weekly window) DRO Mission Scenario— Weekly Launch Window with Lunar Arrival ~3.5 to 8.5 days..early in window is longest trip time End of the disposal maneuver, the ICPS is at 26,750 km Earth Radius inertial velocity of 5.279 km/s ICPS/MPCV Separation 10 minutes after end of TLI burn ICPS attitude hold for 5 minutes 25 minutes Passive Thermal Control (BBQ Roll 0.5 deg/sec), oriented Sun Normal, attitude transitions not shown Blowdown while in a transverse spin to minimize delta V. Starts 30 minutes after separation. Highly variable, tank propellant driven, 0-30 minutes Orient for Disposal Maneuver, minutes long Post-disposal, duration dependent on ACS propellant usage, battery life, and mission requirements. ACS fuel driven, low thrust. Engine bell forward in line of velocity vector. X T0+8 hrs ICPS Batt dies Deployment Window Opens, app 4-5 hours post T-O Disposal Maneuver, start time dependent on duration of blowdown, 5-10 minutes Disposal Maneuver, start time dependent on duration of blow down, 5-10 minutes No BBQ roll after disposal maneuver complete. 16