WORDPRESS WEBSITE WORKSHOP Part 1: Building a Web Presence with WordPress Karen & Brad Trivers (902)
How much does a website cost? Domain name registration GoDaddy.com Hosting HostGator.com - Do You Have An Online Account? Gmail SunriseWeb.ca = $ $ per year Create Content, Design Site and Implement Use a CMS (Content Management System) to save $$$
WordPress CMS CMS = Content Management System WordPress.com – “free” WordPress hosting paid for by ads on your website can pay to remove ads, register domain, etc. see for pricinghttp://store.wordpress.com/ WordPress.org – paid hosting completely customizable use “plugins” to add features SEO, Calendar, e-Commerce, AdSense, Forms, Multi-lingual
WordPress.com – “free” website Must have access to an account (e.g. Gmail) What’s all this about “blogs”? Sign up at WordPress.com yourself your: Username Password Domain (e.g. mynewwebsite.wordpress.com ) Activate your WordPress.com account Upload avatar using “Gravatar” Settings : Public Profile
WP Admin - The “Dashboard” Viewing Your Website (“Blog”) Anatomy of your website Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer
Appearance Themes - “Twenty Eleven” used in training Header Background Theme Options Menus
Adding Content Pages vs. Posts Will your “front page” be a blog? Create “Home” Page Create “Blog” Page Settings : Reading Front page displays “A static page” Front page: Home Posts page: Blog Edit Menu Appearance : Menus
Pages Edit “Home” Page Revisions (show using Screen Options) Headings Links Uploading and Inserting Attachments Pictures (images) Documents (e.g. PDF, Word, Excel, etc.) Featured Image Likes and Shares
Posts Edit just like a Page – plus more Scheduling Posts Categories Tags Format (theme-specific) Featured Image
Page Templates Edit “Blog” Page Theme-specific “Twenty Eleven” Templates Default Template Sidebar Template Showcase Template
Comments What are “Comments”? Akismet anti-spam Settings : Discussion Moderating comments; Turning off comments Default Avatar; Change “Leave a Reply” Edit “Home” Page Show “Discussion” and “Comments” Screen Options at top right
Social Media Settings : Sharing Publicize - Send your Posts to your: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sharing Buttons Display the services you want people to use
Widgets Sidebars are Theme-specific “Twenty Eleven” Theme Sidebars: Main; Showcase; Footer Area One, Two, Three Adding Content To Sidebars Contact Info Follow Blog (subscribe by ) Categories Recent Posts Archives Facebook Like Box Twitter – Recent Tweets
Training Videos Go To: Login with the username you will be given now Available to you for at least 6 months
Other Features (as time allows) Quick Edit & Bulk Edit Forms Polls Ratings Links