Eligibility Application Process Tips for Parents Dual Enrollment
ELIGIBILITY High school unweighted GPA of 3.0 for college classes (AA/AS) or 2.5 for career education training. Minimum scores for entry into the Dual Enrollment Program: Students must have an appropriate score in all areas of math, reading and writing to attend courses on a Pensacola State College campus or center. Career Dual Enrollment students must provide TABE scores. PERTACTSATCPT Reading English Math Interm. Algebra College Algebra
ELIGIBILITY Amended Eligibility Requirements Have attained sixth (6) through twelfth (12) grade-year status at a district school. Must have earned a minimum of three (3) high school credits to be eligible for the Dual Enrollment Programs. Students who fail to pass all three (3) parts of the state approved placement exam, but pass part (s) needed to qualify for some dual enrollment courses, may enroll in Dual Enrollment courses on the high school campus. Students must be in grade eleven (11) or twelve (12) to be eligible for online Dual Enrollment courses and must maintain a 3.0 or higher college GPA to remain eligible for online courses.
Dual Enrollment Application Process Students meet with their high school guidance counselor for approval to participate in the Dual Enrollment Program. The high school counselor will verify any additional eligibility requirements necessary for Dual Enrollment. Submit a Dual Enrollment Application along with the Dual Enrollment Approval Form completed and signed by their high school guidance counselor in ink.
ORIENTATION New Dual Enrollment students should attend orientation, which is offered each semester. Orientation is an opportunity to discover free student resources, learn strategies for college success, and meet fellow students. Students should register for orientation at prior to their first semester. Need help, call
WHEN & WHERE During the fall/spring, college campus part-time Dual Enrollment participation may be permitted if courses are not offered or available as Dual Enrollment courses on the high school campus. Courses that can be taken by a Dual Enrollment student on the high school campus and college campus is dependent on student grade level and college semester: The total number of college credit hours shall not exceed eighteen (18) in any fall or spring semester or eight (8) in any summer semester. Student’s Grade College Semester Course Limits FallSpringSummer Six (6) - Ten (10)Two (2) college courses plus accompanying labs Two (2) college courses plus any accompanying labs One (1) college course plus any accompanying labs Eleven (11)Four (4) college courses plus any accompanying labs Two (2) college courses plus any accompanying labs Twelve (12)Five (5) college courses plus any accompanying labs Two (2) college courses plus any accompanying labs
Students are required to maintain a high school unweighted GPA of 3.0 for college courses and 2.5 for career education courses. Students must maintain a 2.5 or higher college GPA to remain eligible for Dual Enrollment. Students whose college GPA drops below a 2.5 will have one (1) probationary semester to meet the college GPA requirement to remain a Dual Enrollment student. Students receiving a non-attendance W2 will lose Dual Enrollment Program eligibility for courses taking place on the college campus. Maintaining Eligibility
Students receiving a D+, D, or F in the spring semester will lose Dual Enrollment Program eligibility for courses taking place on the college campus for the following summer and fall semesters. Students receiving a D+, D, or F in the fall semester will lose Dual Enrollment Program eligibility for courses taking place on the college campus for the following spring semester. Dual enrollment courses in which a grade of D+, D, or F was earned may be repeated for credit one (1) time and only the most recent grade earned will be used to calculate the Pensacola State College cumulative grade point average.
Will Dual enrollment courses transfer to other colleges and universities? Pensacola State College Dual Enrollment credits transfer to any Florida public college or university and most regionally accredited out-of-state universities.
TIPS for Parents FERPA the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act does not allow college employees to discuss your student’s educational progress with you. However, your student’s high school guidance counselor receives reports regarding his/her progress throughout the semester and may be contacted for such information. We encourage parents to review the syllabus with their student to assure an understanding of the assignments and the expectations with regard to attendance, punctuality, timeliness of turning in assignments, etc.
Tips Continued Students can access information regarding their mid-term and final grades via their Spyglass account. Students can contact their instructors/professors using their Pirate mail accounts. College personnel are instructed to communicate to students through Pirat only. Your student is encouraged to contact his/her professor if he/she knows he/she will miss class due to an illness or emergency.
Student Expectations Attend every class (for the full length of the (class). Be Punctual (some Instructors/Professors my take away points toward a student’s final grade due to lateness or leaving early). Wear Appropriate attire (it is expected that the student will not attend classes in pajamas, bathing suits or less than modest attire). Check your official Pirate Mail account regularly for up to date college information impacting your enrollment.
Expectations Continued Be respectful in class, students should text or use their cell phones during class only with the permission of their instructor. Students can be active in class discussions by completing reading and writing assignments. Please review the student handbook page at /Catalog/Student-Handbook/Student- Responsibilities to have a better understanding of your responsibilities as a student taking college classes /Catalog/Student-Handbook/Student- Responsibilities
Students should be aware that while some of these courses count toward their requirements for high school graduation the resulting grades are also a part of their permanent college transcript and GPA. Withdrawals (W), D’s and F’s will be seen by future university and graduate school admissions offices and employers.