Just a few words about the life of Odissea Eliti. He was born in Iraklion of Crete in His family was very rich. First, he studied science of law in the university of Athens. Years later he syudied philosofy in Sorvon. His first appearance was in 19in a magazine called “ new letters”.
He was not only a poet, but he worked in the newspaper “kathimerini”, from 1946 to Later, he moved to Paris from 1948 to He travelled to many countries, such as U.S.A. where he was a representative of Greece in internantional meeting.Elitis took the Nobel prize of writing in Odisseas Elitis died in 1996.
SOME OF HIS WORK: His first work came off in 1940, which was titled “ orientations “. In 1943, followed the second poetic collection “ the first sun ”. In 1945 his third work came off,called“ the song heroic and sad for the lost Albania’s second lieutenant’’
From 1947 to 1958, there were eleven years without any work of Odissea Eliti. Suddenly, in 1958 he published some extracts of “ axion esti”. The whole work of “ axion esti” came off in 1935 and he took the first prize of poem in 1960.