TEMOTU DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WORLDWIDE DX COMMUNITY ASSISTING WITH USD 20,000 1:Wood burning stove for Lata Hospital 2:Assisting three young Temotu students doing courses in Honiara 3:Two-way radio for Education Department in Lata 4:Generator for Kuesalemba High School 5:Compass for making sea voyages in canoes 6:Young teacher attending course in Honiara 7:New Lata market set up; old market under Mango tree was condemned by Environmental Health 8:Emergency position indicator radio beacons for oceangoing canoe trips 9:Educational material for kindergartens 10:Lata Museum, modifying one room for red-feather money artifacts 11: Setting up shipping company - money to be repaid after government money arrives - currently no transportation out of Temotu 12: Video for schools
Corporate sponsored amateur radio training center as part of a Ministry of Education countrywide educational program. Running an amateur radio training course as part of Beijing Education Channel. Securing a first-ever foreign established amateur radio station in China. Providing design projects for affordable locally designed and built transceivers to boost the activity in China. Program sponsored by Nokia and Yasme Foundation Inc. There is Plenty of Life Behind Each Callsign
Pushing the DX Envelope to its Limit (BS7H) Creating an artificial playing field or just making more valuable DX? Where is the limit of our imagination? Many questioned the validity of this entity - at least the size of it! The administrators of the CRSA were taken on the journey of their lifetime. The People's Republic of China was entering the DXCC program. China was discovering the mystique of Boardroom DXing.
Going Toward the Ultimate Challenge (P51BH) Long and complex march from 1991 to 2001 toward Pyongyang, DPR of Korea Eleven visits and 30,000 QSOs – P5/4L4FN working together with UNDP Food Program and obtaining frequency spectrum for the needs of organizing food distribution fully under control of the military. Talking a language that the recipient would easily listen to.