Nora Fabianová 2.C
- is historical town - often called like the most Gothic town on Slovakia - gold age in 15. century - historical square - renaissance Town Hall - fortification - is registration between UNESCO
- is inuque of Europe -inside is eleven original gotics winged oltar -is Roman-Catholic -origins from Basilica comes from 13.centrury
- one of the most beautiful spa town on Slovakia -first mention is from ten minerals source -spa are quite place -are known their hotels, restaurants, cultural events and SPA WATERS ! -amaizing gardens
- one of the oldest museum in Slovak republic -was opened in there are 24 exposure objects
-near the Bardejov is small village Beloveža -there is church of saint Michal archangel - dqMs dqMs
- are always every year (22-25 august) -wakes are specific with FUNFAIR -food, lot of music, -so many stands with clothes -many people -for men is car showroom
Grandma´s bakery - the best bakery in Bardejov -is small but very cozy -there are bed with toys and train around wall!
ele ele - Eg%C3%ADdia_(Bardejov) Eg%C3%ADdia_(Bardejov) url= 375&w=500&sz=36&hl=sk&start=2&zoom=1&tbnid=Pl83a3w- 286vxM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=130&ei=JY2xUbq2Maf17Abb8IHwBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcukr%25C3%25A1re% 25C5%2588%2Bu%2Bbabi%25C4%258Dky%2Bbardejov%26hl%3Dsk%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&s a=X&ved=0CC0QrQMwAQ=0CC0QrQMwAQ