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Decimals fun quiz Practice with Fun
To the Student: There are three different sections to this program all involving decimals. You will be asked to solve examples in each section. Read the examples carefully and have fun! To the Teacher: This program is easy to use and self-correcting. They’re on their own! Click the red dot to continue
If this is your first time, click..the red dot. If this is not..your first time, click the blue dot.
This program is not easy. Click the red dot to see why.
Click the to go on. What makes this so challenging is that if you get even one answer wrong, the program will start all over again! YES!! All over again from the beginning!
REMEMBER !! Each time you get an answer wrong you will have to start the program all over again!!! Click the red dot …when you’re ready.
Here we go!!! Part One ~ 15 Examples
Example #1 Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “five and fourteen thousandths”
Click the green dot to start again. Click the blue dot to stop.
YES! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “twenty two and two tenths”
YES!! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “thirty seven ten thousandths”
YES!! Here’s example #4 Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “nineteen and nineteen hundredths”
YES!! Here’s example #5 Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “four hundred three hundred thousandths”
YES!! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “one hundred eleven and six ten thousandths”
YES!! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “eighteen and four thousand three hundred seven hundred thousandths”
YES!! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “seven hundred twenty eight millionths”
YES!! Here’s example #9 1, , ,000.00l Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “one thousand and one thousandth”
YES!! Here’s example #10 Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “seven hundred thousandths”
YES!! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “five hundred eighty three ten thousandths”
YES!! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “four hundred and four hundred thousandths”
YES!! Here’s example # Click on the decimal that is written correctly for: “two thousand twenty seven millionths”
YES!! Here’s example #
YES!! Here’s example #
For the next section you will need to review the following symbols and what they mean. greater than These symbols will be used in the next examples. Click the red dot when you’re ready to continue Part Two ~ 15 Examples
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: #1 < less than> greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: #2 < less than> greater than < > =
#3 < less than> greater than Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: < > =
#4 < less than> greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: #5 < less than > greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: #6 < less than> greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: # < > = < less than> greater than
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: # < > = < less than> greater than
#9 Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: < less than> greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: #10 < less than> greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: #11 < less than> greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: #12 < less than> greater than < > =
#13 < less than> greater than Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: < > =
#14 < less than> greater than < > =
Click on the symbol that makes this statement true: < less than> greater than < > = #
True or False For the next section you will be given three decimals to look at in each example. You will need to click on “true” or “false” to answer each question. Click the red dot when you’re ready to continue Part Three ~ 10 Examples
True or False The decimal in the middle is the largest one truefalse #1 ? ??
True or False The decimal on the left is the smallest one truefalse #2
True or False The decimal on the right is the largest one. truefalse #
True or False The fact in the middle is the smallest one. truefalse #
True or False The fact on the left is the smallest one. truefalse #
truefalse #
True or False The decimal in the middle is the largest one. truefalse #
True or False The decimals on the left and right are both larger than the one in the middle. True or False The decimals on the left and right are both larger than the one in the middle. truefalse #8
Answer this question: ALL decimals can be turned into fractions. #9 true false
true false All of these decimals equal each other. 7.5 = = = =
Finished!! Excellent! You are now done with this program. We hope you liked it. Try it again to really sharpen your knowledge of decimals! Click the red dot for one last message!
thank you
The End Written and Created by David R. Filipek Written and Created by David R. Filipek Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved.