( grammar file 004 )
Hello, Wero. Why are you sad? Hello, Snakey. Because of my homework. What is your homework about? It’s about prepositions.
Monkey Doo can probably help us. Hello, Monkey Doo! Do you now what prepositions are? Hello … Yes.
Prepositions are words which show relationships among other words in a sentence. The relationships include direction, place, time, cause, manner, and amount. ????... Snakes in heaven!! You don’t understand prepositions! Ssh, Wero. They’re umm …what are they? Snakes in heaven!! You don’t understand prepositions! Ssh, Wero. They’re umm …what are they?
Here is a list of different prepositions. Ssh... I get it. Let’s make some sentences. aboutacrossfrom afteragainstat in along before behindbelowinside I don’t like this.
WHAT’S UP? Ssh … the sky … ha ha ha. Hello, Coco. Do you know what prepositions are? Yes!!!! Me first. Ssh … Let’s make some sentences. Ok.
First, remember that there are many prepositions: Prepositions of time and of place. Commonly used ones are like, of, in, across, at etc. First, remember that there are many prepositions: Prepositions of time and of place. Commonly used ones are like, of, in, across, at etc.
The baby hippo is in the tub. The baby hippo is in the tub. in is the preposition The object of the preposition is tub. The object of the preposition is tub.
Good job, Coco! Thank you! Can I make some too? Ok. Ssh … It’s my turn!
Tony will travel from space to Earth at three pm. Tony will travel from space to Earth at three pm. prepositions of place: from and to preposition of time: at
The mouse is under the bed. under the bed is a prepositional phrase. It begins with the preposition under and ends with the noun bed. under the bed is a prepositional phrase. It begins with the preposition under and ends with the noun bed.
In the dinning room is a prepositional Phrase. On is a commonly used preposition. My brother likes to sit on the green table in the dining room.
The monkeys were dancing at 2:00 A.M. at the Crazy Club. The monkeys were dancing at 2:00 A.M. at the Crazy Club. Preposition of time: at 2:00 A.M. Preposition of place: at the Crazy Club. Preposition of time: at 2:00 A.M. Preposition of place: at the Crazy Club.
Wero, do you know what prepositions are now? Can you make sentences with them? Yes, thanks to all of you. Finally! Slow hippo. Ha ha ha! He he he!
My mom is dancing on the orange carpet. The carpet is the object of the preposition, on.
Monkey Doo, thank you for helping me to understand prepositions. Today I know you are really the king of prepositions. Yeah, man. You are awesome! Thank you, Wero and Snakey. Remember that Coco helped us, too. = )
Let’s dance and celebrate that Wero can do his homework now. Good idea!
Dancing …? I’m ready to dance! La la la la. I’m ready to dance! La la la la.
After a really complicated day, we helped Wero to understand his homework. I couldn’t have done it without my friends. We had a lot of fun.