The Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trail 1925. People & Places John T. Scopes Respected high school biology teacher arrested in Dayton, Tennessee for teaching Darwin’s.


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Presentation transcript:

The Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trail 1925

People & Places John T. Scopes Respected high school biology teacher arrested in Dayton, Tennessee for teaching Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Clarence Darrow Famous trial lawyer who often represented underdogs. William Jennings Bryan Secretary of State for President Wilson, ran for president three times, turned evangelical leader. Represented the prosecution. Dayton, Tennessee A small town in the south became protective against the encroachment of modern times and secular teachings.

The Conflict The trial is conducted in a carnival-like atmosphere. The people of Dayton are seen as ‘backward’ by the country. The right to teach and protect religious gospel in schools. The acceptance of science and that all species have evolved from lower forms of beings over billions of years.

The Scopes Trial & The Regents The trial appears on nearly every Regents exam. The trial remains a topical subject today as state and local school districts have the authority to regulate book purchases, school curricula and the hiring of teachers. Despite overwhelming scientific proof and acceptance of evolution, many American teachers are forced to teach Creationism along side Darwin’s theory. The Constitution protects States’ rights where there are no Federal laws — this is part of the system of Federalism.