Living Primates Professor Janaki Natalie Parikh
Types of Primate Social Organization –Monogamous Mated Pair –Multi Male/Multi Female –Single Male/ Multi Female –Most common in primates?
Single-male, multi-female Sing. Male, multi-female, FLDS style!
Correlation btwn dimorphism & type of soc. organization Levels of dimorphism:monogamy Levels of dimorphism & Predation pressure:multi- multi- Levels of dimorphism &single- Predation pressure:multi-
Habitat & Social Organization Home range: larger area exploited by an organism Territory: portion of an organisms home range that is aggresively defended against whom? con specifics: members of own same species
Suborder: Prosimii (Prosimians) Most closely resemble the earliest primates At first, widely distributed, but anthropoids outcompeted them, thus shifted their activity patterns Lemuriformes (Lemurs) & Lorisiformes (Lorises) are considered Strepsirhines Tarsiformes are Haplorhines, once considered Prosimians, now being reclassified w/ Anthropoids
Prosimii Lemuriformes (Lemurs) Madagascar: only remaining diurnal prosimians Wet rhinarium: moist nose Post-orbital bar (lowest degree of skeletal protection) Toilet claws Dental comb: procumbent incisors Diverse Social Organization
Prosimians: Ring tailed lemurs Family lemuridae, Lemur catta Indigenous: Madagascar (notice the diurnal pattern) Endangered species
Prosimians: Pygmy Mouse Lemur Family Lemuridae Indigenous: Madagascar World’s smallest primate! (Endangered)
Prosimians: Red fronted lemurs Family lemuridae, (E. fulvus rufus) Indigenous: Madagascar Threatened species (habitat destruction)
Prosimians: Black Lemur Family lemuridae, E. macaco Vulnerable species, one subspecies now believed to be extinct
Prosimii Lorisiformes (Lorises) Found in Africa & Asia(Noyau soc. org) Nocturnal activity patterns Wet rhinarium: moist nose Post-orbital bar (lowest degree of skeletal protection) Toilet claws Dental comb: procumbent incisors
Prosimians: Pygmy Lorises Family: Loridae, N. pygmaeus Indigenous: Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
Prosimians: Slow Loris Family Loridae: N. coucang Status: Endangered (oft. Killed for “medicinal properties”) (attempts to make them pets)
Anthropoids:Tarsiformes (Tarsiers) Found in SE Asia Monogamous social organization Nocturnal Activity Patterns Nostrils (no wet rhinarium) Incomplete p.o. septum (intermed. protection) Toilet claws
Anthropoids Tarsiformes (Tarsier) Family Tarsiidae Indigenous: SE Asian Islands: Borneo, Sumatra & Phillipines
Suborder: Anthropoidea PlatyrrhiniCatarrhini (New World Monkeys)(Old World Monkeys) “flat nosed” –“hook nosed” - thick nasal septumnarrow nasal septum Dental formulasDental formula 2: 1: 3: 3 or 2: 1: 2: 3 2: 1: 3: 2 Incisors: Canines: Premolars: Molars
Anthropoidea Platyrrhines (New World Monkeys) CallitrichidaeCebidae (Callitrichids)(Cebids) -smaller-larger -quadrupedal-also quadrupedal -often regularly-some w/ birth twinsprehensile tails
Callitrichidae GGolden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalie) & cotton toppped tamarin (S. oedipus) IIndigenous: Brazilian coastal forest SStatus: Critically Endangered (Habitat fragmentation)
Platyrrhini- Cebidae SSpider monkey (A. geoffroyi) IIndigenous: Central & South America SStatus: Critically endangered h ((Howlers link)
Catarrhini Cercopithecoidea (Old World Monkeys) bilophodont molar pattern CP3 complex: diastema to allow for occlusion Ischial collosities: thick, callused padding on ischium Estrus & estrus swelling: specific time period in the female’s cycle where she is fertile & thus, sexually receptive Social grooming & social dominance hierarchy ↑ Sexual dimorphism: differences btwn males & females of a species, unrelated to their genitalia Hunt spontaneously & opportunisitically, not a socially coordinated activity
Catarrhines- Cercopithecoids Baboons & Mandrills (P. Anubis & M. sphinx) Indigenous: East & West Africa (from Cameroon to Guinea) Status: Vulnerable species Extremely pronounced canines only in males, purpose?
Catarrhines: Old World Monkeys Japanese macaques (snow monkeys, M. fuscata) Indigenous: Japan & free range pop. in Texas Clip regarding the acquisition of innovation: washing food
Catarrhini Hominoidea Hominoids = all apes & all humans, whereas Hominids (family level) only humans species No external tail, brachiator anatomy Wide & shallow chest compared to quadruped Shorter backbone and 360° shoulder rotation IMI (inter-membral index): Apes high IMI (longer arms), monkeys IMI approx 100 (equal lengths), human low IMI (longer legs)
Hominoid Family Hylobatidae Gibbons & siamangs, Indigenous:SE Asia rainforest Classic brachiators, very low sexual dimorphism Status: Endangered
Hominoid Pongidae Orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) (plight of orphaned orangs) Indigenous: Sumatra & Borneo (SE Asian Islands) Critically endangered (may see tot. loss by 2010!) Arboreal & fist walking
Hominoid Pongidae Chimpanzees: Common & Bonobo (Genus Pan) Indigenous: Equatorial “belt” in Africa Over 98.5% DNA match w/ us, Bonobo sexuality studies Endangered: habitat loss, bush meat l l Knuckle-walking l l
Hominoid Pongidae Gorillas (Genus Gorilla) 2 species: mountain & lowland Largest of all living primates, exclusively vegetarian Status: Endangered: habitat destruction, poaching & bush meat Knuckle walking
Primates: Is there anything we can do to help save them? Global Warming & primate species Who Am I? Example: Narrow nasal septum Bilophodont molar pattern Bold coloration of snout & hindquartersAnswer?